Search results

  1. Kruz

    I'll be leaving now!

    Going on vacation tomorrow morning:beerchug: I'll be gone for 2 weeks, but i'll see if I can pop in once and a while from "someones" computer.... (if you can call 2 weeks in Buffalo a vacation):scared: I'll be thinking of all of you when I'm eating my WINGS:wave:
  2. Kruz


    A guy walks into a bar down in Alabama and orders a Grape Nehi. Surprised, the bartender looks around and says "You ain't from around here... where you from, boy?" The guy says, "I'm from Pennsylvania." The bartender asks, "What do you do up in Pennsylvania?" The guy responds, "I'm a...
  3. Kruz


    I just hit 10,000 units in genome........ cool:beerchug:
  4. Kruz


    Sorry Girls, but this pic cracks me up:D :lol:
  5. Kruz

    MP3's.... Who Still Collects Them?

    I've slowed down a bit, with napster gone. but this is a copy of my MP3's.. 1437 to be exact...
  6. Kruz

    Virus Alert

    Got this in my e-mail today.... thought I'd share it with you..... Hello, This mail comes to you from the Virus Emergency Response Team at Proland Software. A new worm has been discovered in the wild, called the Win32/SirCam worm. This worm is spreading rapidly via the Internet...
  7. Kruz

    Driver\software updates

    Want to find out what needs upgrading on your pc? Try THIS site... I like this one alot!
  8. Kruz


    Two high school sweethearts had been dating for four years, they had enjoyed losing their virginity together, and they were inseparable until they graduated. They had planned on going to college together, but he was accepted to a school on the west coast, and she was accepted to a school on...
  9. Kruz

    Windows Tip 7-14-01

    Replacing Start Menu scrolling with good 'ol multiple columns One of the most frequently requested fixes for Windows 98 is to make the Start Menu behave like it did in Windows 95. That is, instead of those tiny arrows that let you scroll through the list, slowly and painfully, you can...
  10. Kruz

    Just A Reminder!!!

    .:D :D :D :D :D
  11. Kruz

    Windows Tip 7-12-01

    Force Windows 98 to Remember Window Positions When you close a folder in Windows 98, it is natural to assume that its size, position, and sort order will be the same the next time the folder is opened. This is not always the case. Sometimes folder settings are saved, only to be forgotten in...
  12. Kruz

    poll. How did you get your Operating System?

    I've used all 3 at one time or another:D
  13. Kruz

    Cool Win 2k Wallpaper

    If anyone wants a very cool window 2000 wallpaper here is one. its 1024x768...
  14. Kruz

    Rodeo Style

    "Me and the wife did it rodeo style last night," one friend confided to another. "Rodeo style? How do you do it rodeo style?" he asked. "You start out doing it doggy style, then you slap her ass and tell her that she doesn't f**k nearly as good as her sister. Then you try to stay on for as...
  15. Kruz

    My Joke Of The Day

    A husband and wife were checking in to a small motel. The wife mentions that they are on their honeymoon. "Oh how nice -- would you like to rent the bridal?" "Nah, we won't need it," the husband answers. "I'll just hold her by the ears until she gets the hang of it." :D
  16. Kruz


    An Anagram, as you all know, is a word or phrase made by transposing or rearranging the letters of another word or phrase. The following are exceptionally clever. Someone out there either has far too much spare time or is deadly at Scrabble...
  17. Kruz

    Hello Everyone

    I Just Joined up! I see a lot of people that i know here...(some just by name) from other boards. Hope you don't mind another member moving in :D