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  1. Kruz

    Hey Gonzo..

    I found a good site with music that we both like... Classic Metal! here is the link... MetaleXpress . It has a cool Jukebox and Streaming Radio feed at 128kbps. Very cool....
  2. Kruz

    OK I Fixed The Mess (not modem friendly)

    After you guys picked on me for having a messy computer (fury):D I spent today cleaning up the mess.. Here is a before and after pic.......
  3. Kruz

    Morpheus Problem?

    Lately when I use morpheus I get this error message... I then have to shut down morpheus and restart it. anyone ever get this ... I'm running XP PRO and also Norton AV 2002. I have script blocking turned off in norton. this has not happend untill norton was installed.
  4. Kruz

    My Cool New Toy

    This is what I use to take precise temp readings with. it's a infrared thermomater with a laser pointer for accuracy...
  5. Kruz

    Free FireWall.....

    I Enabled the Built-in firewall that windows XP has and wanted to check it out.. I have a small home network (3 machines). and was going to eather get a router or softwear firewall (zone alarm) to keep it safe... then I found out that win xp has a built in firewall!*I diden't know that* So I...
  6. Kruz

    I Installed XP on my rig...

    Well, I was a little hesitant about trying XP, but what the hell... you only live once:) And as seeing that I dident have to *ahem**cough* pay for it, i'd give it a go... (did a ghost backup first of course):D The version I have is XP Pro. The install went so smoothly I was shocked! Did...
  7. Kruz

    Max Payne

    Ok heres what I've been doing for a while... Playing Max Payne! Damn this is a good game:)
  8. Kruz

    Santa needs lovin too

    A beautiful innocent young lady wants to meet Santa Claus so she puts on a robe and stays up late on Christmas Eve. Santa arrives, climbs down the chimney, and begins filling the socks. He is about to leave when the girl, who happens to be a gorgeous redhead, says in a sexy voice, "Oh Santa...
  9. Kruz

    Farting Hooker

    A guy is walking down the boardwalk in Atlantic City and runs into a prostitute. Just what he was looking for, so he asks, “How much?” She says, “Twenty bucks.” He says, “All right!” They climb down under the boardwalk and they go at it. While they’re having sex the hooker blasts two...
  10. Kruz

    2.2g Northwood is Out..... $679.00 OEM Intel Pentium 4 Processor 2.2GHz Clock Speed Intel NetBurst micro-architecture hyper pipelined technology rapid execution engine 400 MHz system bus execution trace cach 0.13 micron technology 512KB...
  11. Kruz

    Happy Birthday Jopes

    :beerchug: Have a good one:beerchug:
  12. Kruz

    Celeron O\C

    My brother got a 1 gig celeron the other day to replace his 566 celeron(@850).<----- It died:) still using his old Abit BX6-2 Mobo, he slapped the new chip in and fired it problem. so we were wondering how far this thing would go.. we cranked it up to 124X10 for 1240MHz:D Voltage @...
  13. Kruz

    Dear KRUSTY

    Ever wondered what it would be like if Krusty was Dear Abby ? Dear Mr. Krusty: Q: My husband wants a threesome with my best friend and me. A: Obviously your husband cannot get enough of you! Knowing that there is only one of you he can only settle for the next best thing - your best...
  14. Kruz

    320MHz DDR

    I was able to overclock my system to 320mhz DDR (160x10) And it's very stable. I'm even running my ram at cas2. Just thought I'd post that in case anyone was interested:)
  15. Kruz

    nForce Review

    Read the rest of it here [H]ardocp
  16. Kruz

    ABIT KR7A REVIEW.......

    Read the full article here OCWorkbench
  17. Kruz

    Zyban Anyone?

    I started Zyban this far so good. I'm a 2 pack a day smoker.. First day... 5 cigarettes second day... 4 cigs Today.... 1 cig. it really does make you NOT want to smoke:cool:
  18. Kruz

    Who Lives Here?

    Hmmmm... I wonder who lives on this road?:D
  19. Kruz

    The real truth

    What it's really like in the Libations & Celebrations back room:D * No Mods were hurt during this photo shoot*
  20. Kruz

    The Girlfriend Remote Is Here

    I wish I had one of these... Wonder how much they cost?:D