Search results

  1. Kruz

    Router Question

    Is anyone using this router, The linksys BEFSR41 I'm thinking of getting this router for my little network. (3 computers using a linksys hub, Cable modem, and Internet connection sharing). is it worth it? to go with the router?
  2. Kruz

    Alpha Pal8045

    The pal8045 is one of the best socket A coolers on the market right now... But it's HUGE!, A lot of people bought this cooler only to find out it didn't fit on there motherboard:scared: This is where you can find out which motherboards are going to work with that big cooler...MotherBoards ...
  3. Kruz

    Heatsink Database

    Looking for a heatsink for your CPU? want to find out all about it first? Then this is the place to check out... Heatsink Database
  4. Kruz

    AthlonXP Unlocking (How-To)

    A good "HOW TO" for unlocking those XP's
  5. Kruz

    A Case With 1700+ CFM!!!!!!!!

    This is the AMK PC76-1708 You can read about it HERE All I have to say is HOLY CRAP!:scared: Here is a quote from the reviewer.......
  6. Kruz

    AthlonXP 1900+ Released Next Week

    But no more till next quarter
  7. Kruz

    Duel ATX Power Supplys

    Well...I was bored today, so I decided it was a good time to do one of the things I've been planning to do to my rig... add a 2nd power supply.:D I went to COMPusa and got a 250w ATX psu for 24.95 mounted it on top of my 300w in a Antec full tower, so there was no problem with space:)...
  8. Kruz

    6413 in 3dmark 2000 (with a GF2MX)

    with the 2183 detonator XP drivers, and a lot of overclocking:D
  9. Kruz

    How Big Is Your "Favorites" Folder?

    Mines.......... 575 files\54 folders:scared:
  10. Kruz

    Looking for a socket A\370 HSF ??

    This is a good place to research that heatsink your thinking of buying... I'm using the DragonOrb3 right now, good price\performance
  11. Kruz

    Abit DDR MotherBoards FAQ Page

    If you have, or are thinking about getting one of these boards. (KG7)(KR7) this is a great place to bookmark.
  12. Kruz

    XP: Upgrade Facts And Fictions

    Focus On Windows XP By Fred Langa 1) Why A Special Focus On Windows XP? 2) XP: Upgrade Facts And Fictions 3) XPeriment #1: Fred Upgrades A Micron 1.2GHz Athlon 4) XPeriment #2: Fred Upgrades A Dell 550MHz PIII 5) Fred's XP Upgrade Advice 6) XP Pre-Installs...
  13. Kruz

    The Correct Way To Use Arctic Silver

    In case anyone was wondering what the correct way to apply arctic silver thermal compound is, this is a nice "how-to"
  14. Kruz

    A Very "KOOL" Case

    At $199.00(us) this looks like a very cool case.... For those of us who are sick and tired of hearing those DAMN!!!!!! FANS!!!!
  15. Kruz

    Celeron 400MHz for sale\trade*SOLD*

    OK... I'll start the ball rolling:) Make me an offer. Anyone have a GeForce2 Ultra for sale CHEAP???:)
  16. Kruz

    Abit MotherBoards And AthlonXP

    Does ABIT KG7 / KT7A / KT7E mainboard support AMD Athlon XP processors? Statement: ABIT KG7 / KG7-RAID mainboard is hardware compatible (ready) and can support AMD Athlon XP processor via BIOS update. ABIT KT7A / KT7A-RAID V1.3 mainboard is hardware compatible (ready) and can support AMD...
  17. Kruz

    PEP66 ON A T-Bird???

    Does anyone know if I can use my Alpha pep66 on a 1.4 T-bird?
  18. Kruz

    MotherBoard Advice Please

    OK i'm going to step on the AMD bandwagon :scared: Which MB would you pick. (has to be one of these). ----Epox ep 8K7A------ ----Abit KG7-Lite------- ----Asus A7A266------- ----Gigabyte ga-7DX-- ----Gigabyte 7VTX----- I'll be using a 1.4g t-bird... Any pro's or cons welcome...
  19. Kruz

    I Have Returned!

    Vacation is over!!!!!!!! Kruz is sad :cry: But it's good to be back on the forums.... As soon as I digest the 40lbs. of pizza and wings I've eaten I'll be catching up with the posts :scared:
  20. Kruz


    In 1993, the American Government funded a study to see why the head of a man's penis was larger than the shaft. After one year and $180,000.00, they concluded that the reason the head was larger than the shaft was to give the man more pleasure during sex. After the US published the study...