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  1. G

    Happy 1st Day of Spring

    Green is my favorite color though! :D I would want my lawn to be green rather than that deep brown lawn that crunches when you walk on it. That's what it was like when we moved in-nobody had watered it for months.
  2. G

    Happy 1st Day of Spring

    It would be nice to water my lawn this summer.
  3. G

    Dell closes down forever

    They have a big yellow sticker on the outside of the boxes that they send out with 'replacement' parts that says something to the effect of "The items in this box may be refurbished". I read something in PC Magazine a while back about how the computer companies are cutting costs by automating...
  4. G

    Happy 1st Day of Spring

    It's been raining non stop in NY. We still need another 6 inches (of rain that is) to get rid of this drought though.
  5. G

    Dell closes down forever

    I was just on the phone with them today because the hard drive they sent me to replace a bad hard drive goes 'clunk-clunk-clunk' when you turn it on. Yes, I ran the diagnostics. Yes, every hard drive test failed. Can you say 'Refurbished'?
  6. G

    Teenager hit by puck has died

    Coup-contra-coup is a bitch alright.
  7. G

    A very nice web site.

    My boyfriend is a Flash junkie and even has a T shirt from that site. :)
  8. G

    Explorers discover ruins in Peru

    Anyone have a link to some pictures? I'd love to see them.
  9. G

    Back 4 Now

    I was wondering how you were doing the other day when we wished you a Happy Birthday! I missed you a whole lot *hug* Glad you're around for a bit BD. :)
  10. G

    Marriage Age

    Nice to see you BD, how are you doing? We missed ya. :)
  11. G

    My trip to Q's world (lotsa piccys)

    Very nice! Looks like you had a good time! BBQ and beer, what else do you need, after all? :)
  12. G

    I'm not dead yet!

    Hrm. So... How much more expensive is it to transport a dead body between states than pretending they're alive and boarding a commercial flight??
  13. G

    The sexual revoltion failed

    But Nix, you're in college, right? By then, wouldn't you already know all of this stuff anyway?
  14. G

    Marriage Age

    I agree with you Nix-that one year threshold is when the newness is worn off and you notice the bad as well as the good. If you think that's an adjustment to change consider if you move in with someone before marraige... that's certainly a test of your relationship also! :)
  15. G

    The sexual revoltion failed

    Yikes. I guess that answers my questions. :eek:
  16. G

    Proving Darwin Right

    I guess that's me then, "one of those" :) :wave:
  17. G

    The sexual revoltion failed

    Really? :eek: Probably in California, right? ;) Seriously, where do they teach that sorta thing? Maybe I'm not as informed as I should be, but I didn't think schools in my neck of the woods taught Sex Ed to begin with, much less how to perform sexual acts.
  18. G

    Proving Darwin Right

    So by me 'falling into the trap', you mean that I'm one of the morons you're talking about because I disagree with you? Are you serious about all this or are you being coy?
  19. G

    Careful what you say to Dear Abby

    Actually it doesn't say if either Abby or Ann are alive and doesn't say if Ann is actually still writing her own column which is why I asked.
  20. G

    Proving Darwin Right

    Glad I gave you a laugh-wanna clue me in? :)