Search results

  1. G

    Cisco Certification or Not...?

    Have you considered Novell certification? They're not dominating right now but it's not that difficult to get the low-end cert (Certified Netware Administrator?) and I've seen a few jobs out there looking for it. I haven't gone for Cisco yet either. Do you have the NT MCSE or 2000 MCSE? I...
  2. G

    Who hasn't done their taxes yet?

    The year I was a full time student holding a full time job I got a tax break of $1500. free and clear. Not sure how to go about getting it though, the school gave me the paperwork and I went to an accountant that year.
  3. G

    You gotta be in it to win it...

    You know you wanna. Just do it. But if you win, you share it with me because I told you about it, kay?:D
  4. G

    Ozzy & the Osbournes

    They had some kind of marathon on last weekend, I watched two hours of it. They're wacky. I can't understand alot of the things he says. :laugh:
  5. G

    12-year-old smuggler swallows 87 condoms of heroin

    I can't swallow a freakin Tylenol without breaking it up first. I can't imagine what swallowing a condom with drugs in it must be like.
  6. G

    Ozzy & the Osbournes

    Source: CNN Ok fess up. Who's watched it?
  7. G

    You gotta be in it to win it...

    Source: CNN Money We got someone at work who lives in Jersey to buy us tickets. We have over $200. worth of Quik Pics. *crossing fingers* So we got quite a few people from those states... Anyone else in it?
  8. G

    12-year-old smuggler swallows 87 condoms of heroin

    Source: CNN *sigh* It's a sad, sad world we live in.
  9. G

    Let's hope they leave him in orbit

    Aren't we launching Micheal Jackson? I thought I read something about that...
  10. G

    Happy National Workplace Napping Day!

    :laugh: As long as you pull over first.
  11. G

    don't forget to set you clocks ahead one hour

    If I had a nickel for everytime our Spanish teacher yelled "Sientense! Callate!"...
  12. G

    Happy National Workplace Napping Day!

    I know someone here who naps in his car for the second part of his lunch hour. I could never feel comfortable enough to nap during working hours but sometimes I do at home infrequently. I sent the link to everyone in our PC Repair group and Help Desk. We'll see who's snoring by the end of...
  13. G

    Do you dream in color?

    You guys ever hear of Night Terrors?:
  14. G

    Windows 98 not recognising CD-ROm, AAAGGGGHHHH!!!

    I think you're in Safe Mode-that would explain the 'MS-DOS compatibility mode' and the CD Rom not being available. Restart the computer and after the initial BIOS screen dissapears, press F8 to get the Windows start menu. See if you can choose #1 Normal or not.
  15. G

    don't forget to set you clocks ahead one hour

    I forgot to set only two clocks; my alarm clock and my wristwatch. Good thing I usually get to work 45 minutes early-between that and driving a little faster than usual, it saved me from being late today.
  16. G


    I think as each personality is different, your id can be also. Your instincts and impulses (IMHO) would differ according to the life's lessons that you've learned or experiences you have had. Thus, each person's id would be different. Something I heard years ago (not sure if it's true or...
  17. G

    Do you dream in color?

    I definately dream in color and have conversations. But do you have the sense of taste, smell or touch while you dream? That's something that I can't remember ever having in a dream. I used to have two recurring dreams-in one I was driving my mother's old car (a Buick Electra 225-ooooold...
  18. G

    Gator Lifts Woman's Car Off Ground

    They found a gator on Long Island last week not too far from where I live. My Mother ran one over on I-95 in Florida once and my Dad has to deal with them alot because he works on a golf course. :)
  19. G

    Who here does NOT know me?

    Holy shit that's so funny. I was just thinking the other day that you and Gonzo could have some serious discussions... And here you are! I have a feeling things are going to get interesting around here. :D :wave: Gato!
  20. G

    nVidia buys AMD!

    I am shocked and dismayed. Huge, do you listen to 92.7 WLIR? Moby was on today and announced that he was buying the radio station and that it's new name was WMBY. :D