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  1. G

    Tripped on the OTC and fell in here

    Except in modesty. ;)
  2. G

    Hi scanty

    :wave: Yay!! Scanty made it!! Nice to see you! Now tell us some travel stories, huh? :)
  3. G


    Bish is double posting? I guess he wants to cover all the bases. :) Squiggs, can you copy your response here? I'd like to hear it. I used to think I was totally in favor of this. But the last time we had this discussion, someone brought up some "gray area" that made me somewhat unsure...
  4. G

    Obligatory "what plant did greenfreak buy today" thread

    Ooooh ok. I'll have Rusty take a picture with the flower on my ear and send it to you. ;)
  5. G

    Yoko Ono to go nude again for World Peace...

    She better give them safety scissors. People are still brooding over her breaking up the Beatles.
  6. G

    Is the Internet the next "Opiate for the Masses" ?

    And with overcrowding in schools and underpaid teachers, you think they're going to be doing google searches for the papers? ;)
  7. G

    Obligatory "what plant did greenfreak buy today" thread

    Actually, Rusty's gotten annoyed at me from time to time because I had too many. Even though it sounds like a lot, I still have two full shelves that don't have anything on them. I haven't even told you what's out on my lawn right now. :D
  8. G

    What are you watching?

    MrBish, I feel your pain. Well, not really, cus I have cable. But you must be suffering. ;) It seems I've been missing out on the West Wing all these years. I'm only starting with the reruns and I'm hooked. I don't know whether I should try to watch the new shows or not, whether I would...
  9. G

    Obligatory "what plant did greenfreak buy today" thread

    You're going to be sorry you asked that... :D My house plants: Four Cattleya orchids in my aquarium Five Phalenopsis orchids on the shelves below One Ficus Sylvie (white/green rubber tree plant) One Dracaena One Corn plant One Jade Cactus One pot of Jade cuttings Four African...
  10. G

    Is the Internet the next "Opiate for the Masses" ?

    *devils advocate* But the kids can also download term papers and the like, getting around having to do it themselves. Call it the Cliff's Notes of this generation.
  11. G

    Tripped on the OTC and fell in here

    All beer is gross, Canadian or otherwise. :p
  12. G

    What are you watching?

    ...on tv these days? Not much on my end. I recently discovered The West Wing when it went into reruns (in chronological order) on the Bravo channel. That's on from 7pm to 8pm Monday through Thursday. I also watch a hysterical show called "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" where these 5 gay...
  13. G

    Is the Internet the next "Opiate for the Masses" ?

    We never really had video games as a kid but they weren't as popular as they are now. I play them now though, as an adult. But I balance my tv watching (down to only three shows: West Wing, Queer Eye, Sex and the City) and gaming with reading lots of books, gardening, photography. I think I...
  14. G

    Where the hell

    Sammy, is it just me, or is there always some moving around/reorganization/some idiot giving you shit going on there? You sound like you have an impressive background, any chance of you going elsewhere?
  15. G

    RIAA files 262 lawsuits

    When Napster was in it's heyday, I was going to computer school with this guy who was unemployed. As long as he was going to school full time, he could collect unemployment. All his spare time was spent downloading and burning. He had over 2000 songs in his shared folder, and that wasn't...
  16. G

    Sounless music shown to produce weird sensations

    I am sixteen, going on seventeen...
  17. G

    RIAA files 262 lawsuits

    Has anyone been following the success of Apple's music purchasing service? It's scheduled to launch for Windows-based pc's in a few months at 99 cents a song. I could go for that. It's already wildly popular among Apple users. Reuters
  18. G

    NY Times turning into NY Post?

    Do you really think anyone's forgotten? Please. I don't think reminders are necessary.
  19. G

    Does anyone else despise David Spade?

    If Chris Rock didn't have such an annoying voice, I might like his humor. Same thing with Chris Tucker.
  20. G

    Obligatory "what plant did greenfreak buy today" thread

    It took me like 5 months to get this thing to bloom, I'm not pulling them off!! :smash: :D The flowers smell so great though, I wish I could keep the pots inside. I'm going to have three inflos on the yellow plumie next year, and the other one should sprout at least one. This spring is...