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  1. G

    Obligatory "what plant did greenfreak buy today" thread

    The orchids from Maui arrived today. I'm finding they're much cheaper when you don't buy them in bloom. I have to wait about a year for each of these to bloom but I think it's worth it...
  2. G

    Obligatory "what plant did greenfreak buy today" thread

    You know you missed these threads. I just spent a shitload of money on spring bulbs and orchids. I can't buy anything else this year, I spent way too much. Yes, on plants. :D First, crocus. Small flowers, the first to bloom in spring...
  3. G

    *tips toes in*

    :wave: Hellllloooooooooooo!!! :wave:
  4. G

    I found my way back

    YAAAAAAY!! YOU MADE IT! I'm guessing your password was the same, huh? :) You know, you still didn't answer my questions about how yer feelin' wit the baby and all... I guess this is a good place as any to tell us! :D
  5. G


    OMG that is some serious stuff. It ain't easy to fracture the pelvis, that's a really bad injury in itself. What an ass.
  6. G

    The Geese

    Yeah, they're all coming to ME. :eh: Around this time of year, right through the winter, we are bombarded by Canadian Geese. It's amazing, the numbers of them that arrive and hang around. I read that Long Island is the last land stop for migrating birds before they do days upon days of...
  7. G

    I need a smoke

    :laugh: We quickly remembered ours when the power went out a few weeks ago. It took us a few minutes to find it in the dark though. :D
  8. G

    I need a smoke

    You could light it on the stove if you don't feel the need for eyebrows. :D I have one of those long lighter things for a grill that I use for candles and such. We don't smoke but besides the gas stove, it's the only flame in the house.
  9. G

    It's the most wonderful time of the year!

    My mom used to make me cream cheese and jelly sandwiches with a scooter pie and 25 cents for a container of milk. YUMMY. :D
  10. G

    What new games are comming out i should be looking into?

    Are you talking pc? We solely do PS2. We just finished Baldur's Gate a few weeks ago and the new one comes out next month-I already have a copy reserved. :)
  11. G

    We've got WORMS!!!

    Give me your worm stories... I'm still struggling with them. It's insane how these things propogate. I had two pc's on my bench that I had just finished installing 2000 on, nothing else, and they were both infected. Just because they had a network cable plugged in. I spent last Thursday...
  12. G

    It's the most wonderful time of the year!

    Leslie, you see those Staples commercials with the father dancing in the aisles, buying school supplies while the kids morosely shuffle behind? :laugh: That's a great commercial. While I have no kids and don't know your joy, I'm happy for all of you. :)
  13. G


    Sorry to hear that hon. :(
  14. G


    Man, I was terrible in math, wish I could help too! But it looks like you're in good hands. :)
  15. G

    Not again...

    *yawn* Figures, I knew I would have time this morning so I figured I'd read all the new stuff in the CAD forum. :shrug: So how's everyone doin besides?? :)
  16. G

    Happy Birthday, Huge!!!

    :hbd: :banana: :beerchug: :spin: :jump: Hope you have a great day Huge!!
  17. G

    our baby has grown up

    :ladiesman :sex: :hbd: :banana: Happy Birthday baby!!
  18. G

    Blown caps on a motherboard

    ...Says he who just put a non-Dell supplied mobo in a Dimension. :laugh:
  19. G

    Blown caps on a motherboard

    Wow, I've never seen that before. :eek:
  20. G

    Got my wifes militray pictures today

    You're not going to post them? Awwww c'mon, I wanna see! :)