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  1. G

    Morning all

    Dude, you should have bought a Dell. ;) I hate those problems that drag out over days and weeks. It makes you not want to come to work in the morning, knowing what it's going to be like. :(
  2. G

    I don't want SPACKLE!

    :laugh: Thanks guys. So Na, did you get the caulk?? Did you let your son do it or did you do it? I've seen it done plenty of times but never did it myself. I'm sure I'm going to make a mess of it but it's better than calling the landlord to do it. :)
  3. G

    I don't want SPACKLE!

    You must tell me that you found the right thing because I need caulk also, for the soap dish in my shower. I have the caulk gun, but not the caulk. Is it really the same stuff?? I never knew that. I may be screaming the same thing this weekend when I make my trip to Home Depot. I'm afraid...
  4. G

    Where the hell

    It makes it easier to ignore a lot of the useless back and forth that goes on. The way it used to be, you wouldn't see their post at all and you wouldn't even know it was there. But now it shows you their name and gives you the option of opening their post in a new window. It also makes...
  5. G

    Where the hell

    Why don't you just duplicate your threads in all three places and see what you get? We used to have that a lot between JJR and Xi. I don't mind if you don't. I setup my ignore list today at OTC so I may be posting more there now. :)
  6. G

    My lifelong gift ...

    She's waiting till later to teach her the joys of beer, spam and Apples. In that order. :D
  7. G

    WOW we got a lot of Birthdays today

    We are!! :dance: Happy Birthday everyone!! :dance:
  8. G

    What new games are comming out i should be looking into?

    I wouldn't buy PS1 now. There's no new games coming out for PS1, you'll only be able to get old games. Plus the controllers aren't compatible with PS2 games if you ever upgrade.
  9. G

    What new games are comming out i should be looking into?

    What's wrong with PS2?? We happen to like it. :) We had a DVD player already so we only use the PS2 for games.
  10. G

    My lifelong gift ...

    :laugh: Good one, Na! When my sister Meg's first daughter started talking, my other sister Rose taught her something too. Rose would say, "Mommy is aaaaaaaaaaa----" and Alexa would yell, "BITCH!" After they stopped laughing everyone would yell at Rose but the more they yelled at Rose, the...
  11. G

    Johnny Cash dead at 71, John Ritter dead at 54

    Aortic dissection is big time. If I remember correctly, that's when your aorta actually seperates from the heart. Yikes, only 54!! And he just got a new tv show recently too. He didn't look like he was in such bad shape. Johnny Cash on the other had was really sick. His wife died...
  12. G

    Can you do this?

    lol The first time my foot changed, almost like I didn't even realize that it happened. My foot is posessed!! The second time (while concentrating) I was able to do it but it didn't feel right. :D
  13. G


    Thank you for that Huge. I didn't forget about you and was concerned about whether you would look at this thread as a bad thing or a good thing. I've always been of the opinion that talking about what's bothering you is best. I know you were hit hard with all of it and hope it's gotten...
  14. G

    Request for prayers or good thoughts

    :( I'm sorry Marc. It's good that they were able to transport him close to home at least. I'm not a religious person but he will be in my thoughts.
  15. G

    Happy Birthday you crazy mofo

    Happy Birthday sweetie. :) :hug: :kiss:
  16. G

    Where the hell

    NALANI!!! :wave: I was wondering when you were going to make an appearance! Nice to see you and that av again. :)
  17. G


    Ku'u, I did a search on Google yesterday for news on "september 11th" and this was the fifth link that came up: news8 NBC Hawaii. I find it comforting that there's so much going on there, with our history and all. :) I wish I could watch the memorial service at Ground Zero today. I'd like...
  18. G

    Tomorrow... September 11th. :( Is NY the only place that there are things going on? Memorials and such? When it happened, I guess I just assumed everyone felt as strongly as I did but found out differently later. I guess the further you are from it, the less you feel affected. I noticed no...
  19. G

    Tripped on the OTC and fell in here

    You're welcome and/or I'm sorry. ;)
  20. G

    Tripped on the OTC and fell in here
