Updates-according to the FCC it was an Airbus A-300, not a 767-thanks Q & it had 256 passengers aboard. An eyewitness says the engine fell off(similar to thecrash in Chicago a few years ago)--unlikey terrorism-
from the NY Times
An American Airlines flight from New York to the Dominican Republic crashed after takeoff today, and buildings reportedly were on fire in the Queens section of New York City
We don't take Kabul because they need a government of mixed tribes. If the N Alliance tribes take it, then there is trouble with the southern tribes...long & complicated nonsense.
The NA was fighting the Taliban long before we got involved, so they must be the ones to gain control on land...
Now it's an internal FBI investigation show. pttthththththhth:p
Fox should have taken the baby & made the story go in that direction, and away from dagget-nah-he's the Terminator 2.
In the easiest terms possible, the Apaches didn't like the Arapaho, nor the Navajoes the Hopi. It's exactly the same there-tribal warfare-for 5000 years.
Before we worry about taking more area, we have to consider setting up a logistics area. Food, clothing, ammo, housing, etc. Once we have the airfield secured & stockpiled, THEN we take out Kandahar(sic?)