Search results

  1. Gonzo

    Dems win NJ & VA, NYC is too close

    Democrats captured governorships in Virginia and New Jersey on Tuesday, breaking eight years of Republican control. In New York City, still reeling from the Sept. 11 terror attack, the mayoral race was a cliffhanger. In Virginia, Democrat Mark Warner, a wealthy entrepreneur who has never...
  2. Gonzo

    Scum from Buffalo

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  3. Gonzo

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Welcome :beerchug: and since you aren't old enough to buy beer, just bring good pizza
  4. Gonzo

    For those who have trouble cleaning out their hard drives

    Here's an easier way-leave the side off your case & occasionally spray it will really overpriced canned air:laugh:
  5. Gonzo

    Sharing on Napster-alternatives rose in October - Webnoize

    Just beware of KaZaA. It puts spyware on your puter that is REALLY difficult to get rid of. I believe Kazaa is the one-it puts ezula in & it takes a surgeon to get rid of it. When I find the link that helps, I'll post it.
  6. Gonzo

    Basesball contractions

    The owners meeting in Chicago has produced an unusual affect. It seems that the Minnesota Twins & the Montreal Expos will cease to exist. Not move, just become history. Like Montreal will notice & the Twins owner will be bought out by MLB. A long talked about but until now realized dilemna...
  7. Gonzo

    Je suis supersounds of the 70s

    I don't get it? a "sick king" is what I take from that:confused:
  8. Gonzo

    World series predictions.....D'Backs get Spankeed!

    lol @ Fuser the Diamondyankee:D
  9. Gonzo

    Dem Bears knocked off Cleveland

    I can't find it anywhere so it must have been my imagination, but somebody said the Raiders weren't as good as their record. Well, maybe or maybe not but they were sure better than the broncos last night.:D
  10. Gonzo

    Happy Birthday HavoK

    HB:beerchug: and laughing at unc's scum from buffalo thread.:lol:
  11. Gonzo

    Emergency password protection help!!!

    Be careful. I've got my passwords locked up in MSWord with a password that I know, BUT, I've forgotten the upper/lowercase sequence so I can't access it. The password for passwords was written down, but I ended up losing THAT so now I'm SOL. It's a 13 character "sentence" of 1 word. SO, help!! &...
  12. Gonzo

    should the war in Afganistan be over soon?

    Neither, it was a reference to a long winded windbag that many of our board don't like. You said some interesting things above & it wasn't long winded uselessness as many are apt to do:thup:
  13. Gonzo

    Help moi, s'il vous plait!!!!!

    :lol: touchy this morning aren't we?:lol:
  14. Gonzo

    Help moi, s'il vous plait!!!!!

    here's the last one- To prevent LoadQM from starting with MSN explorer: Click on Help and Settings>>Privacy>>Service Quality Monitoring. Uncheck the box for "Send quality monitoring information". Click the Change Now button. Reboot. It should be disabled. or go thru msconfig using...
  15. Gonzo

    Happy Birthday MARKJS !!!

    Happy Birthday :beerchug: (don't make any more predictions about the Yankees:lol: )
  16. Gonzo

    Gonzo wins 2001 World Series

    Curt Schilling, who started Game Seven, and Randy Johnson, who finished it, split the Most Valuable Player award. Neither was beaten in the series, with Johnson winning both Games Six and Seven.
  17. Gonzo

    Help moi, s'il vous plait!!!!!

    Rundll32 are Winsystem shit Ezulamain is installed from an install program that was downloaded into the Windows directory. The install program, eZulains.exe, is then executed by some means or the other. The install process usually creates an eZula directory in the programs directory...
  18. Gonzo

    Dem Bears knocked off Cleveland

    Next up, the truly important game-Monday Night Football 11/5/01 Oakland Raiders vs Denver Broncos oh yea, nice Bears victory
  19. Gonzo

    World series predictions.....D'Backs get Spankeed!

    THAT has to go into the record books as one of theTop5 World Series ever-3 bottom of the 9th comebacks, the pitching:cry: damn a beautiful sight