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  1. Gonzo

    original food fight thread

    *Using the leftover carcass from the 21lb bird of the day as cover, I pelt S4 with canned cranberry sauce, toss spoonfuls of mashed potatoes at Fury & NEO, send the salad(bowl & all) over Fusers bald head, launch leftover stuffing at Huge & Maxout, fire frozen & no longer frozen vegetables at...
  2. Gonzo

    Oxtail Soup

    Now look-I didn't write the original sentence, I just pointed out that is becomes the opposite of what it appears so, shut the **** up and eat some turkey.:eek:
  3. Gonzo

    Oxtail Soup

    :p :laugh:
  4. Gonzo

    What do you think should be the punishment for these guys?

    Force them to use the celerom & the PIV 1,4.:eh:
  5. Gonzo

    Christmas Shopping list...

    Does anyone know anything about the Digital Research cdrw 16x10x40? For $30. bucks it's hard to pass up since mine took a crap.
  6. Gonzo

    Oxtail Soup

    you are aware that a double negative is a positive. So, are you really saying you do want some oxtail or pigs feet soup?
  7. Gonzo

    Well done, flurffmeister

    The new look is very nice & maybe some people will look in places they never knew existed before. :worm: :thup:
  8. Gonzo

    Happy Thanksgiving

    We American have much to be thankful about. For all the heartache & calamity that befalls us, on occasion, we are healthy, rich & not under the governments complete control. We don't have to worry about things like where to get our next meal.... Be it a wonderful day:D
  9. Gonzo

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Welcome & enjoy the nonsense---:wave: dumbass canadians. it's pizza & beer, the order does matter
  10. Gonzo

    Anyone oppossed to killing the Constitution?

    No, there is no balance. Either we live free & have a few shitty things happen or we become an fascist state. During crises, it's one thing to have our freedoms temporarily curtailed, for "national security". Even then it has to be an extreme situation. Refer to my sig line-this is not a new...
  11. Gonzo

    w00t baby

    Grasshopper, don't **** with the master:laugh: Gene is the big guy with the bass, paul is the scrawny guy trying to play guitar, Ace is the real guitar player in the band & that photo & Peter is the "Beth" writing drummer...
  12. Gonzo

    Christmas Shopping list...

    :love: :love: :love: DeeDee is stuuupid:love: :love: :love: back off mandark, the Easy Bake Atomizer is mine
  13. Gonzo

    Anyone oppossed to killing the Constitution?

    I was still in Los Angeles during the Rodney King verdict riots & well remember our Nat'l Guard, armed, on Sunset & Vine....I wish to NEVER EVER see that again. I've also walked through an airport in Rome-where the militia carries Uzi's-NOT IN MY AMERICA!!!:mad:
  14. Gonzo

    Anyone oppossed to killing the Constitution?

    The simple fact is, there are provisions in the Constitution that prohibit the US Military from operating on US soil during non-emergency & non-war time. It also prohibits the government from holding prisoners for more than 72 hours without being charged, or allowing attorney/client privileged...
  15. Gonzo

    w00t baby

    that would be sam simmons
  16. Gonzo

    Will Detroit beat Green Bay

    The Lions tend to prevail on Turkey Day, so I agree with you. The only caveat is GB got beat Sunday & is probably pissed.
  17. Gonzo

    Happy Birthday COMPREN!!!!!

    Best Wishes :beerchug:
  18. Gonzo

    Anyone oppossed to killing the Constitution?

    Oh good, we're about to have the US Military doing it's work on American soil. Nothing like an armed e-4 at the nearest 7-11 to give you comfort in your time of need. :scared:
  19. Gonzo

    w00t baby

    pancake/stage makeup is different than max factor:rolleyes: