Anyone oppossed to killing the Constitution?



I hope they catch OMB on Thanksgiving day. They could stuff him and feed him to the Afgans.

stumble biscuit

New Member
Quite a while ago I spent some time over in Israel. It was unnerving to see people with uzis strapped over their shoulders while sipping java in coffee shops...especially when you're dosing on some good gel. Almost gave me a bad trip in fact, but large amounts of locally frowned upon booze consumption helped somewhat, heh. But at any rate, I think Israeli soldiers are supposed to carry their weapons even when off duty if I'm not mistaken. I saw one pretty young girl walking down the street carrying a machine gun and it was just surrealistic. Scary. My little group were wanting to peak in Jerusalem but they had the whole area sealed off because of a recent terrorist attack.

I don't want to see some armed E-4 standing at the 7-11 either. It is a scary proposition and I'm not sure it will help with terrorism any. On the other hand, I also think the 8 billion bucks being used to federalize baggage handlers and the like could better be used invested in technology development to scan bags and people instead. I always liked that Arnold flick, the one where he went to Mars and forgot. The scanner at the airport... it showed his skeleton as he walked thru it...maybe something like that perhaps, heh.

I guess it really comes down to what we want to do from here on out. We can keep going as we were before 9-11 and hope it gets better, or we can start making changes, some of which will be hard to swallow. We're just late in the terror game in regards to getting hit on home soil and we're not prepared to deal with it emotionally or physically. Other countries are used to machine guns being toted on shoulder straps in city streets. Most Americans didn't bat an eye when hearing about car bombs going off overseas over the years. We were shocked when we heard about our Marines in 83 was it? But still, we felt safe on home soil. "It can't happen here!" All that has changed now and I hate being pessimistic(sp) but I always end up looking for the worse things to happen. The glass is always half empty. We are the most powerful nation in the world and the terrorists performed their most deadliest act to date here on our soil and sooner or later the copycats will come out and play just like school shootings. Over and over and over.


Staff member
That would probably be necessary in order to protect the US from terrorist attacks as well as possible, but I think they're forgetting a little something called the Constitution, a document which gave citizens certain inalienable rights, and this would be infringing on one of those rights. There's really nothing else to say about that.


I agree with you SB. The attack on Sept. 11 changed everything. Our whole nation will never be the same as it was before. :(

I think if anyone is truly an American they wont try to copy that shit.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
The simple fact is, there are provisions in the Constitution that prohibit the US Military from operating on US soil during non-emergency & non-war time. It also prohibits the government from holding prisoners for more than 72 hours without being charged, or allowing attorney/client privileged information from being used by the government. It seems that the top Attorney, John Ashcroft hasn't gotten to those parts.. If we are going to become a country that looks like Lebanon, we all might as well break out the small arms & explosives.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
I was still in Los Angeles during the Rodney King verdict riots & well remember our Nat'l Guard, armed, on Sunset & Vine....I wish to NEVER EVER see that again. I've also walked through an airport in Rome-where the militia carries Uzi's-NOT IN MY AMERICA!!!:mad:


I agree with Gonz that I don't want to see armed men with machine guns all over the place. There has got to be some balance between keeping America safe and the freedoms/principles that our forefathers laid out.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
No, there is no balance. Either we live free & have a few shitty things happen or we become an fascist state. During crises, it's one thing to have our freedoms temporarily curtailed, for "national security". Even then it has to be an extreme situation. Refer to my sig line-this is not a new issue. AG Ashcroft has already torn up the fourth, fifth & sixth amendments. Also, Article III, section 3-Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

My concern is over Article One-section 8:
To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years; and,

To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union,
suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;

Can we allow him more rampaging?