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  1. HomeLAN


    Yeah, they've been showing up down here as well. Atlanta's had a fairly damp summer (rain every afternoon), and the little bastards are everywhere. I can't go out to the pool for more than an hour before I'm covered in bites.
  2. HomeLAN

    4 freakin' years!

    Congrats on the anniversary, and having not made her kill you. :D Our 4th is in January, and it really doesn't seem like 3 and a half years.
  3. HomeLAN

    Greatest album ever made

    Certainly in the top 5.
  4. HomeLAN

    Hey, NEO!

    Nice article on peer-to-peer networking on the front page. You seem to have covered all the bases nicely. You may want to mention that any computer on the network will NOT be seen in Network Neighborhood until a shared resource has been specified. That's the only troubleshooting issue I...
  5. HomeLAN

    Do you guys ever get extremely lonely, not just lonely ,, but really lonely

    Get married and have a kid, Outlaw. You'll beg for lonliness. :spin: :cry2: :D
  6. HomeLAN

    Greatest album ever made

    Steely Dan's good, but I wouldn;t rank 'em best. BTW, I preferred Aja to Countdown to Ecstacy. No contest, IMO. Sgt. Pepper's.
  7. HomeLAN

    I Have Returned!

    Welcome back, Kruz! Gald you has a good time, man.
  8. HomeLAN

    pocket philosiphy

    My guess would be a tube. :p
  9. HomeLAN

    How many usernames do you use?

    Just this one. Everywhere. I figure, if I don't have the balls to say it under my own name, that's a real good indicator that I probably shouldn't say it at all.
  10. HomeLAN

    I love my Hamilton Beach Meal Maker Express

    I usually go use the big grill on the back deck. I guess in Canada, you freeze yer balls off for 6 months out of the year doing that, huh? I love Atlanta. :D
  11. HomeLAN

    Any good computer news services?

    It's not through Outlook, but this is the one I use. Just let it download, and then read offline to your heart's content.
  12. HomeLAN

    I owe, I owe....

    You lucky bastard! I had to work my way through mine. :lurk:
  13. HomeLAN

    Let's see...

    Please don't use an Intel socket fan on that chip! Either you'll get imperfect contact and BBQ it, or you'll crunch the core applying it. Do yourself a huge favor and go get a good socket A HS/fan. You can probably expect to get up over 1.3 with it, but as always, YMMV.
  14. HomeLAN

    I owe, I owe....

    I do corporate credit, not persnaolly, but if you'll send me that Visa, I'll be happy to "straighten it out" for ya! Heh, heh, heh. :eek2: :spin:
  15. HomeLAN

    I owe, I owe....

    I'm a corporate accountant and credit analyst. Terribly exciting. :cry2:
  16. HomeLAN

    How about this case?

    WTF?! Is that shag carpeting? Can you say "Static electricity"?!
  17. HomeLAN

    brothers,girlfriends, uncle...

    Ditto Unc's statement, but I haven't met Nihilistic, yet.
  18. HomeLAN

    Thursday is no excuse for you chumps

    I rarely post after 5, becuase I'm home and Ted demands tribute. Nihilistic, HS, or college? Which one?
  19. HomeLAN

    Summer colds

    If you're serious, Unc, post a shopping list. I'll have it over there on my way home from work.
  20. HomeLAN

    How did you find your way to Xibase

    HWC --> JJR --> Xibase.