Search results

  1. HomeLAN

    Traumatized by networking

    You don't need to resinstall the NIC - it's already there. It sounds like the NIC just lost it's TCP/IP protocol. To re-add this (under Win98), go to Control Panel/Network. On the main screen click "Add". Then click "protocol". Go to Microsoft, and select TCP/IP. It'll want your windows...
  2. HomeLAN

    How much would you bet...

    I still have nightmares about my first computer (a Packard-Smell). Restore disk, my arse!
  3. HomeLAN

    Isn't it NEOs b-day?

    Happy birthday, Neo! Thank God someone here is older then I am... :D
  4. HomeLAN


    Well, nice to see the fine reactions to my congratulatory post. You can feel free to bite me, instead. :D
  5. HomeLAN


    The Braves got flat out-pitched. I never have trusted Burkett, and it's now been proven why. Congrats to the D-backs. I'll be rooting for 'em against the Yankees.
  6. HomeLAN

    Genome@Home priority question

    Hmm, that's weird. I used that proggy for weeks - no issues. Interesting.
  7. HomeLAN

    what will you be for...

    I'm being really inventive this year. I'm going as an accountant. :scared:
  8. HomeLAN


    Fuser - Bite me. Seriously, the Big Eunuch had one hell of a game. I think that was his best performance of the year. Eventually, though we'll see the D-backs bullpen, and then it's all over.
  9. HomeLAN

    Greatest Political Leaders Ever?!

    Unfortunately, some of the best political leaders set out to do the worst possible things. Hitler would surely rank up there. *Ducks flames*
  10. HomeLAN

    We forgot to celebrate Columbus Day

    Yup! It was a regular Diablo 2 marathon.
  11. HomeLAN

    Blondes, Brunettes, or Redheads????

    I'm married to a redhead. 'Nuff said.
  12. HomeLAN

    The food forum

    It's there, SL. Look a little harder. :)
  13. HomeLAN

    NEED inexpensive motherboard

    The ECS boards based on the Sis 730 chip are going for $60 on pricewatch. They don't overclock very well, but they're supposed to be fast boards.
  14. HomeLAN

    2001 MLB Playoffs

    Braves took the first 2 from the Astros in Houston.
  15. HomeLAN

    2001 MLB Playoffs

    Funny, I was about to say that about the Yankees.
  16. HomeLAN

    Name that (song) quote

    Yup. Original artist was Chuck Berry. Welcome to the boards, k. So, who gets the next one? I say k gets it.
  17. HomeLAN

    Cooking with the Duron

    Jeez, Fury, how many of these poor little darlings have you fried now? I'm beginning to think you're a menace, and I know for damn sure I never want to see you anywhere near my LAN.
  18. HomeLAN

    UPDATED see 1 and 2

    Q - Yeah, there are plenty of places to avoid out there. I always check before ordering. Fuser - Actually, nothing right now. That alwats seems to change, though. Gonzo - I actually enjoy doing it myself.
  19. HomeLAN

    UPDATED see 1 and 2

    I can put 'em together myself. What I want is some links to really low cost parts sources. :D