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  1. Inkara1

    Food for thought

    The only two things we need in life for entertainment are pirates and Mr. T, right? What about Mr. T as a pirate?
  2. Inkara1

    New year resolutions?

    My resolutions for 2007 will be the same as for 2006... 1280x1024 at home, 1024x768 at work, 1280x800 on the laptop.
  3. Inkara1

    Merry Christmas

    So it's within a month of being an even twice a year. A potential downside is that people have sort of recovered from the holiday spending by then and can afford to splurge.
  4. Inkara1

    Merry Christmas

    When's his birthday?
  5. Inkara1

    Merry Christmas

    Did they spoil him rotten?
  6. Inkara1

    Opens Door

    Does that speak to the quality of Mopar's products lately?
  7. Inkara1

    Barbecue sauce?

    Not all the whack-jobs in California do dry-rub... it's just around here. I look at it this way: instead of flavoring the meat with sauces, we use meat that's got plenty of flavor on its own.
  8. Inkara1

    Damn GM POS

    So, Prof... got the firearm loaded up yet?
  9. Inkara1

    Project : Thunderbolt

    So how's the progress on the truck going?
  10. Inkara1

    One whole month...

    A 20-volume set of the Encyclopedia Britannica, a case of Turtle Wax and a year's supply of Rice-a-Roni, the San Francisco Treat. :D
  11. Inkara1

    One whole month...

    ...without a single post here. Wow! We did it! I guess it's kind of like a drunkard shouting for all the world to hear that he's been sober for two hours.
  12. Inkara1

    What would you do...

    Does she know which neighbor planted it? If so, give it back to him... if not, it should be disposed of... preferably by burning. ;)
  13. Inkara1

    original food fight thread

    *pours Smucker's Magic Shell over prof's chest, figuring his cold, cold heart will make it harden* :D
  14. Inkara1

    original food fight thread

    ...or that area was itchy and the granola is scratching it.
  15. Inkara1

    Anyone else hear a cricket in here?

    People for the Eating of Tasty Animals?
  16. Inkara1

    Anyone else hear a cricket in here?

    For every one you see, there are 10,000 you don't.
  17. Inkara1

    Anyone else hear a cricket in here?

  18. Inkara1

    Whats your ride?

    This was a '92 or '93 Crown Victoria... I'm pretty sure it had the 4.6.
  19. Inkara1

    Whats your ride?

    That trick actually came in handy once. I was working outside at Home Depot and someone couldn't get his Crown Victoria started. I hit the starter a few times with a hammer and it started up, so I told the guy it was only a temporary fix and it would probably happen again so he needs to get it...
  20. Inkara1

    Get a Motorola(R) Bluetooth(R) Headset with participation

    This post inspired me to write a song. Spammer suck my dick Spammer suck my dick Spammer suck my dick Spammer suck my dick Spammer lick my asshole Spammer lick my asshole Spammer suck my dick Spammer suck my dick You like? :D