Where the hell did we go wrong?

s4 ~ I'm not offended at all. I agree 100% with you on this.

Gay people shouldn't try to push their adopted kids to become gay too. You find out that you're gay, all by yourself, not because other people (which would be both your daddy's, or both mommies) say it's the best way to live.


this is my special title
Why are we so concerned with a few 1000 children turning gay when millions of children are being raised by the French? Stop arguing over crumbs when there is full blown genocide afoot.



Staff member
I agree s4. The other thing i dont understand about the US society is this.
Why are we so worried about people in other countries? IE sally strothers and all these others that want to feed all the people in third world countries.
We have tons of homeless and hungry people here in the states. And what do most of us say when we see them, Why dont they get a job and off their lazy ass. I get so frustrated when i see all the commercials about the "other" countries people needing our help when we arent even willing to help our own.


this is my special title
I still say that a good 2/3 of the homeless out there are lazy and shiftless. The remainder don't need food.. they need psychiatric meds.


Staff member
Even if that was true, what about all the kids? are they lazy too? should they suffer because of their parents?


this is my special title
What can be done? Parental rights are pretty stiff. Childrens existence closely mirrors that of their parents. If the parents are doing bad, then the kids do bad. If the parents are starving, the kids are starving. If the parents dont suck it up and fly right then they need to surrender their kids to the government for foster care. At least they will get fed that way and the parents can implode all they want. Its not the duty of the government to try and constantly prop everyone up in spite of their lackluster planning towards life. ... Thats just life. plan or fail... don't hold your hand out to Uncle Sam all of the time.


Staff member
so then you think its ok to support other countries hungry but not our own? strickly on the fact that you think the parents are lazy?
because that is where slot of our govts money goes. and where do they get this money? our taxes.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
First off,the homeless population is nowhere near what some think it is. Those that are homeless have plenty of places to go in this country to get help. There are plenty of gov't supported welfare programs as well as many not-for-profit organizations to assist. In a country of 280 million, there are bound to be stragglers, unlucky & bums. Nobody goes hungry in America, if they do something to avoid it.

Secondly, in a country that is as rich and prosperous as ours, a little charity to assist those in countries where they can't help themselves is a matter of national security. It's a hell of a lot cheaper to help Russia than to spend 40 years in a cold war. Same goes for China, with over a billion in population. The countries that aren't close to equaling us in military might still have terrorists & dictators that can set a fire somewhere else to get us involved. Look at Palestine. Yassir is a complete & udder nobody, but look at the trouble he has made for the US, just with our support of Israel.

Personally I'd prefer to send money bags that come back empty than send bodies that come back in a bag.


this is my special title
I'm a bit iffy on foreign aid as well. But you need to realize that artificial stabilizing government minimum price supports on grain have the US government buying up half of the annual production as it is. If they don't use it, it will go bad. They tend to ship it out and dump it all over the place on the cheap or at cost. I can't blame them for that. But thats a screwy farm bureau dealy that has more power than the Israeli lobby. The price supports structure needs to be overhauled first.