Its nice to get other opinions from people who actually know something about the topic. Me persoanlly will probly never get married. for a few reasons, im 16 (doh) ill be a bum for a good part of my life, and the main reason is i have to actually FIND A WOMEN! (another doh!)
You shouldnt just pop the question randomly. Share some moments togather that you really treasure. Make sure you actually love this chick and not just think you do. Love gets tossed around like common slang, no one ever knows what it means when they say it, they just do. I think you should just ask her if she wants to get marries somewhere in the future. Ask her if she REALLY wants to spend her life with only one man, and live in the same house and do things together for the rest of your lives. Then you could pop the question randomly one day when she dosent except it. Like, treat her to dinner and wine, some fancy smanshy mushy crap like on tv and pop the question.
but dont listen to me, im just a teenager...
i like cheese