United Negro College Fund



That thread about the "fightin' whites" got me to thinking. You wanna talk about names of things that offend people, well here is one that offends me: "The United Negro College Fund". Go to their website at: http://www.uncf.com/

I decided not to start a big debate about racial matters, so I toned down the subject a little.

Mods or admins: you are welcome to remove this thread if you feel it is too sensitive to talk about here.


Staff member
"Hi. I'm Ruth Ward's mommy. And I'd like to speak to someone about my daughter's financial aid!

I'm sorry, Ms. Ward, we can't do anything to help you.

But but but sir... she's BLACK! *shows off the UNCF badge like a police woman*

Ahh... I see... Then I have no choice but to grant a full scholarship."

Please. :rolleyes:

A mind is a terrible thing to waste, no doubt, but that doesn't make it any less right for it to happen to negro children as opposed to white children. If poor negros get a special fund to put them into college or give their college some equipment, then so should poor whites, because I don't see why blacks should have any special advantages, humanity being equal and all. They're people, like us, they should be able to get jobs (even two jobs if necessary) so they can pay their kids or their own way through college. And of course, hopefully there isn't a college in the nation that is prejudiced against blacks, I thought this country was beyond that.

But then again, nothing much surprises me anymore.


The fund should be completely abolished or allow all races to apply for scholarships. A better name for it is: "United College Fund" without any preference towards race at all.
Well....what has always irritated me is this:

If we're gonna have a United Negro College Fund, then how about we have a United Caucaisian College Fund or a United Asian College Fund or ...........or .............or..

You get the point?

In a society that needs and wants to be less segregated, we sure do seem to do a lot to segregate ourselves!!!

What we need is a United People College Fund

Forget Color, Race, Nationality etc....



this is my special title
Like unions, it had a need and served a decet function at one time... but the pendulum has swung past center and is going up the side of decay and corruption. Governments, clubs, unions, whatever societies, masons, ball clubs... they all follow the same path of collapse, organization, nobility, complacancy, decay, corruption, collapse.


The very name of that organization offends me let alone their purpose.
I'll have to agree 100% with fury on this one.
Why do people always have to make a difference between different races?
In the Netherlands there aren't that many truely poor people, but among those there are poor black people, poor white people and yes, believe it or not: there are even poor asian people! :eek:


People should stop looking at somebody's race when judging them, or when giving them special treatment. This counts for white people, but it also counts as well as for black people.
White people have no more rights than black people, and black people have no more rights than white people....

Of course this isn't always true, that would make it a perfect world, but we should stop emphasizing different races by organisations like these.
The whole thing reminded me of a very famous quote....

Pig said:
All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
A 9/11 editorial cartoon that I think applies here.


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I think we are all an example of how stuff should be!!!!!

I don't know if you folks are fat, skinny, black, white, asian, old, young, bald, poor, rich, or whatever else.

Nor do I care to. We all seem to get along just fine with out all that krap.

Look at animals. You see squirls on the ground eating right beside a bird. Cats live with dogs.

The whole globe is a mixing pot. If you don't like the stew it creates go get some on another planet :D

We should all just be sittin on a big couch together........watchin the game.......havin' a bud :beerchug:


this is my special title
Sorry... Animals eat each other if they get too close. I've seen birds attack squirrels, cats attack birds, dogs attack cats, dogs attack dogs. It all falls down to deep seated territorial issues. Its in our psyche. We have borders and guns to keep the 'them' at bay.


Staff member
Hear, hear, Huge! :beerchug:

As for animals eating each other, well, do you see we the people running around naked, with tails on our asses, doing the humpty dumpty out in the middle of broad daylight?

Animals are not the same as people. People are more intelligent than animals. People are a higher life form than animals. People do not go around eating each other because of a survival instinct or territorial defense. To speak nothing of the fact that each human despite a different color of skin or speaking a different language, is comprised of the same basic physical structure. A head, a torso with a couple of arms and maybe a couple of breastesses, the part with the ass and the penis or vagina, and then 2 legs. There are so many different species of animals, but only one species of humans.


Staff member
The UNC Fund did serve a purpose at one time and may still serve one. Believe it or not black people did not have anywhere near the opportunity to go to college for many many years and something like this was certainly necessary. There is certainly no reason to be offended that such an organization exists. It does not preach hate as the KKK does It had been merely a way for less priviledge peoples to make their way.

However since the discrimination has lessened so has the need for organizations like this. I'm sure they will try and survive as any entity does though.

It is unfair for any race to get treated differently on that basis. The fact is that black people (and other races) are still at some disadvantage. Some equalization method based on statistics will be applied until everything is 100% equal (and probaly further). The only effective solution is for us ALL to be racially indifferent.


Staff member
Indeed, flavio. Racial indifference is the only way stuff like segregation/favoring of one epidermal color will ever truly become a thing of the past.


Staff member
In fact black people had been forced to have their own organiztions, churches, baseball teams, bathrooms, etc. for so long that it's hardly surprising that an organization encouraging higher education still survives

No it's not idealistic but what do you expect?


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
The UNCF is a legitimate & useful organization. It just needs to be reminded by some non-negro, in order to ensure equality that we've moved past racial stereotypes & injustice. If someone can show that it is a racially biased org., then all will be well....wait, I'm sorry, I'm thought I was living in the Utopian Plane of Earth. I had temporarily forgotten that this is the backwards plane. My mistake.


Eater of Hot Peppered Steak
I tried to apply for the WASP college fund....

But the KKK was out of them!

