"live side by side within secure & recognized borders"

Tue Mar 12,11:26 PM ET
By EDITH M. LEDERER, Associated Press Writer
UNITED NATIONS (AP) - The United States endorsed a Palestinian state late Tuesday for the first time at the United Nations, introducing a resolution that also calls for a cease-fire in the escalating Mideast conflict.
The resolution, the first offered by the United States since the latest round of fighting began in September 2000, was circulated hours after Syria offered a Palestinian-backed resolution.
There was a possibility the council might vote on both drafts, but behind-the-scenes diplomatic efforts were going on to have a single vote on a consensus text.
As a result of intense negotiations, the United States decided late Tuesday to amend its text by "affirming a vision of a region where two states, Israel and Palestinian, live side by side within secure and recognized borders."