Soft or hard?


Staff member
How do you like 'em?

(I'll reveal the object of the question after a few people have had a chance to answer :D)

I'm pretty much indifferent about it, so I'll say either soft or hard is ok for me. :smash:



Well, you see it really depends on what the question is, because if by chance, the question is "How do you like your pancakes", and I assumed the question was related to your preference of firmness from your sexual partner during intercourse and said "Hard", once the question was revealed to be "How do you like your pancakes," all those who read the message would assume I like hard pancakes.

Now, as you may or may not know, I try to avoid allowing any assumptions to arise out of anything I post, so I will prefer not to answer the question until I know what it is.

Disclaimer: This message does not imply or express that I prefer any different types of pancakes, nor that I prefer any variety of firmness from sexual partners during intercourse, nor that I assume to know anything related to the question posed by this thread. I disclaim ALL liabilities and responsibilities for all damages that may occur through, out of, or relating to the reading, interpreting, or ignoring of this message by any person, place or thing.
I'm a hardware kind of guy... don't get me wrong, I enjoy software too but hardware is really my thing.

Eggs? IS that the first thing that came to your heads? :D


Staff member
Krusty has always said Xibase...better than eggs!
He has us all trained now.:D :D

Fuser Man

blah, blah, blah
Wait a second, this Fury who is asking the question. He's single.
He must be talking about porn! I like hard core.


Originally posted by Toolbox
I'm a hardware kind of guy... don't get me wrong, I enjoy software too but hardware is really my thing.

Eggs? IS that the first thing that came to your heads? :D

Yeah "T" ... I thought of other things, of, but I thought "well at least I won't get in trouble for saying eggs coz they are PG13." :eek:


Staff member
It's really H.R.H Puffnstuff (his royal highness) ..but they used to leave one "H" off, cuz I think the song sounded better without it.