Soft or hard?


Official Wine Taster
Oh well, ...... In truth, I stole it from some other "mug".
Found it to be true in my own failed marriage, :beerchug: anyhow!


New Member
Taco's right.

I used to like hard shell, but those are really too messy. One bite and the whole shell falls apart.

Now, I have found that soft shell is the way to go. I have more control of the fillings, and now more of them go in my mouth, than on my shirt.

I no longer have worry about taco sauce stains on my shirt when I come back from lunch.

That is what you were talkin about, wasn't it?


Official Wine Taster

If yer talkin' 'bout terrain. All ya need fer "hard" is the right kinda suspension to keep ya from bottomin' out, an' absorb the shock!

If we're talkin' the soft stuff, I recommend low torque an' a steady hand. Also helps to have the right kinda rubber under ya!


well which is it eggs, terrian, mattress, or sex?
the answer to all of the above is? ah heck why make it easy on you guess:lol:


One of a Kind
Mattress? You'll have to wine and dine me to fins out. Sex? How well did you wine and sine me? Eggs? You'll have to be real good in order to make me some the next morning.

:spin:He he.:spin:


Staff member
Originally posted by rae
well which is it eggs, terrian, mattress, or sex?
the answer to all of the above is? ah heck why make it easy on you guess:lol:

How do you like your mattress.

It was really interesting to see the wide variety of responses I got just from withholding the object of the question.

It's fun messing with people's brains and seeing how they work.

*commences concocting a conniving contraption that controls the cerebral cortex* :retard: