My house is currently divided into 2 LANs (i have 6 roommates)
the 6 other people in the house are running whatever they want, i dont know exactly...ive isolated my bedroom into its own LAN.
Gateway machine
Windows 2000 Server
AMD k6-2/500
128 MB RAM
10 (?) GB hard drive
3com NIC and a D-Link NIC
no sound (who needs sound on a server?)
cheap video card
8x CD Rom
This is made mostly from my spare parts, pieces of older machines so I could play around with 2000 Server at home
My main machine
Windows 2000 pro
1.2 GHz T-Bird
Amptron board, 266 FSB
512 MB RAM (unfortunatly SDR, but I got it for $15 so I'll deal with it)
32 MB nVida video card (nothing special i know, but I'm not a hard core gamer...i like my SNES

40 GB Maxtor hard drive
52x cheap CD Rom
24x CD-RW (burns a CD in under 3 minutes!)
onboard sound (sucks, but i dont have the money to get a good one right now)
sound ran to my receiver into speakers my dad and fury's dad put together.
Laptop (from work)
900 MHz PIII
256 MB RAM
30 GB hard drive
everything onboard (lan, modem, sound) as expected
628 INFOSERVE 9000
PII 266 MMX (remember MMX?)
6 gb hard drive
ATI Rage II + DVD w/TV out
2x DVD player (ROCK!)
Some sound card i found, same with the NIC
Video and sound go into a 13" TV in the living room....we use this machine for DVDs and for guests to check email and internet on.
i havent implemented AD on the server yet, though I hope to soon, when i get some "free time"
i like making a computer with as little money as happens when your decision is "do i buy food or a new hard drive today?"