I am fearing that my grandmother may be developing it, her memory is almost nonexistent, she doesn't remember important dates (i.e. she wished several people a Happy New Year on this past Easter). She is one of those seniors who is very gullible and can be rooked easily by almost any scam. She nearly lost over $30K by getting talked into several annuities by the bank which have gained less interest than my savings account has, and then she yells at the rest of the family for not talking her out of when we just recently found out that she bought them in the first place. She'll be 80 years old in September, and it's hard for us to handle her. She sees a doctor every few months to test her mental abilities and they are dwindling, primarily her memory. We've been looking at places to move her to since at her age and abilities an apartment isn't going to be enough. I go over there on avearge 2-3 days a week to do some basic chores for her, get groceries, fix various things, etc. If we didn't live just a block away, I don't know what she would do. She no longer can drive because of her doctor's orders, but she believes she will again someday, but we know that realistically she won't.

I don't know how to feel, I try not to think about it if I can.