

Staff member
Yeah, I checked a couple days ago...his last post was Aug 3rd. Where the heck is prof? ...and how is v3.0 doing?


Mushroom at large
I took a three week sabatical to the far east. I'm sure I mentioned it before I left. As for V3.0, he/she is making Mummy's life a living hell. Apparently V2.0 didn't kick any where near as much, or as low as V3.0. And he/she doesn't sleep for long at night either. The next three months are going to be very long, indeed.


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
Heh, heh, heh. From what you're saying about the kicking and location, I'd bet $10 it's gonna be a boy. I'm sure you already know this, but do yourself a HUGE favor, and do a quick circle of the house every Monday when ya get home. Find anything and everything that needs to be starightened, picked up, cleaned, whatever, and do it before you even kiss her hello.

Catch that once a week, and you will have a much better few months. Saved my ass more then once.


Staff member
I LOVE that strategy!!
Why only Monday?
Is it in effect only during pregnancy?

oh yeah...WELCOME BACK PROF!! :wave:


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
Monday sucks anyway, so what's one more little thing?
Hell, yes, it applies only during pregnancy. Are you nuts?


Mushroom at large
Um ... how can I put this delicately. The missus has reached a certain hormonal stage that has resulted is a sudden radical personality change. The last thing she wants is me picking up around the house. She'd take that as me saying that she's not doing a good job of looking after the house. That would result in me either dying a gruesome, painful death, or having to endure three days to total emotional torment. No thank you.

And then there's the other effect of that hormonal flood. I'm having definite dificulty getting to work on time in the mornings. Those who understood that, keep it to yourselves.


One of a Kind
Pregnancy is rough. With all the stuff we have to put up with, the least you men could do is pamper us.

Oh yeah, and Welcome Back!


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
Originally posted by Professur
The last thing she wants is me picking up around the house. She'd take that as me saying that she's not doing a good job of looking after the house.

Oops. If it's reached that point, you are well and truly hosed. Keep a low profile, and know that you have my sympathies. Not my presence, mind you, but my sympathies.

And then there's the other effect of that hormonal flood. I'm having definite dificulty getting to work on time in the mornings. Those who understood that, keep it to yourselves.

*Note to self - buy stock in viatmin E manufacturers*


Mushroom at large
Originally posted by DarkPrincess
Pregnancy is rough. With all the stuff we have to put up with, the least you men could do is pamper us.

Hey, I think three weeks driving her around the maritimes hauling that freaking trailer was pretty damn good. I never used the tent once. And I only asked her to drive once the whole dang trip. And I even went into the ocean (5ºC) with her twice. I babysat while she chatted with the woman in the next camper. I even took her out for lobster 3 times (I hate seafood, and to me a lobster is just a big red sea bug).


Mushroom at large
Well, the verdict is in, and
It's a single. At 35 weeks, estimated weight is over 6lbs. Birth weight will be between 8.5 and 9lbs. Wife doesn't know wether to laugh, cry, or kill me, but she's keeping her options open. BTW head diameter at present is 8cm.

Still don't know the sex. Still don't care.


Mushroom at large
Still more news from the front: The missus had her checkup today and
She's already started to dialate. Checkups just got bumped to weekly basis. Stay tuned.


Staff member
Great name choices there Prof... I have a sister named sabrina, and a brother & sister named chris