Perpetual Welcome Thread


New Member
Originally posted by Dark Angel
Everyone goes through the same procedure here MuchMark.....I need your measurements for your straitjacket.......didn't anyone tell you? apologies.....everywhere here gets one to protect themselves against the likes of say......

:D* Gonzo
:D* Krusty
:D* Pradeep
:D* Outlaw
:D* Brock
:D* 75Renegade
:D* Queen Q

just to name a few.......

Ummmm......enjoy your stay

The sheep, don't forget the sheep!! Oh, welcome Muchmark!

Stop Laughing

it isn't that funny!
Staff member
You need a straitjacket, you say? Well, step right up, I've got a large collection of them! That's all I'm allowed to wear! MUAHAHAHHAHAHAHHHAHHAHAHAAAHHAHAHAHHAAH




No one suspects... the butterfly! :D :spin:


Staff member
Originally posted by Dark Angel
Everyone goes through the same procedure here MuchMark.....I need your measurements for your straitjacket.......didn't anyone tell you? apologies.....everywhere here gets one to protect themselves against the likes of say......

:D* Gonzo
:D* Krusty
:D* Pradeep
:D* Outlaw
:D* Brock
:D* 75Renegade
:D* Queen Q

just to name a few.......

Ummmm......enjoy your stay
I'm hurt :cry2: You don't think people need to protect themselves against me? :cry:


New Member
I like to thank you all for the wonderful welcome.
I would like to share my favorite poem with you I found it long ago in a High School biology text book. It is my mantra.
No Man is an Island
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend's or of thine own were. Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee
John Donne (1573-1631)


Official Wine Taster
Hey Muchmark....I love ya, already!

Welcome! One big Family 'ere! Glad ya were willin' to go through the "adoption" process! (Don't fergit...Jeeps Rule!!!)
Eager to read yer next Postin'!


Staff member
Enjoy your stay, stay as long as you like, and I hope you like it here :wave:

And don't be a bad little boy here, lest you experience the wrath of samb0nium :eek:


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
A peppery name-I like that-welcome, stay awhile & post more than you should. Oh, and bring lots of Pizza & Beer-we're famished:wave: