Perpetual Welcome Thread


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Originally posted by Fuser Man
Hey howdy hey! :wave:

Give me all your vodka and pizza!
NO!NO!NO!---this is not how it goes at all;herre learn from the master manipulator:

Welcome to Xibase Browndevil, post lots & enjoy our weirded out crew. Not with the pleasantries out of the way, here is the most important rule-as the newest member, you, by guidelines of the Xibase community & the FDA, are required to supply everyone with pizza & beer, (or vodka & chinese)-until someone ELSE is the newest member. Enjoy your stay & remember, YOU WERE WARNED(by your mother, no less) :wave:


Staff member
Welcome, rae

Enjoy your stay, stay as long as you like, and I hope you like it here :beerchug:


Welcome Angie, xibase is ...ummmm.... nice.

I hope you enjoy yourself here and get to know everyone.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Well good, you made it, Now, get us our pizza* & beer & start posting your ass off-enjoy your stay :wave:

*new members must supply P&B-it the rulez