aloha mai kakou!
What's up everyone .. it's nice to be here
fury - I brought you some cheese
Angel - thanks, hun - you're such an umm...
trinity & s4 - thanks
flavio - I'm 100% pure breed
wahine (that would be

Q's right - I ain't scared of nuthin ... 'cept roaches
jayburner - grab me a beer too
Q!!!!! heya sis .. I've missed you girl!
Fuser Man - any man who bows to me is a man I want around
unc - right back atcha, baby
Post Code - aloha
If I don't get here too often in the near future, it's only because we have no internet connection at our new office *sniff* ... buncha dopes *L* .. anyway, I'll be on when I can ... thanks for the warm welcome