People in the war


this is my special title
Outside of Gato, does anyone have a family member or friend that is the Gulf Conflict as either a soldier, reporter, private contractor?


Staff member
I do i have a couple of friends of the family there. Also have a guy from work there. All were in kuwait.


Staff member
I know someone who lives in Kuwait. I keep hoping to see him online...I haven't since the attacks though...:cry:

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
Unless he has extremely bad luck of being hit by one of those few missiles Iraq spread thru the border, I guess he's safe...


Staff member
He is fine, I am talking to him now. He can not sleep he says cause the alarm sirens are keeping him awake. 11:40pm their time they went off (that was just a little hwile ago I think) and they also went off 1am yesterday their time and woke him up. 10 times in total since the war started now. They are nationwide sirens...


Staff member
I have a couple cousins and an uncle who are in the armed forces, not sure which wars they've been to.