Pakistan Says "Yes"


Staff member
They will back the United States If necessary.
We'll see just how much though...


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
If we get them & India-it's all over but the shouting. They are prepared to Nuke someone.


I doubt anything that extreme with go on. Our military is more than capable without using nuclear weapons.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
I agree, my point is-with them on our side, they won't be pointing them at us. :scared:


this is my special title
Fellas, Their nukes are feeble insofar as range goes. Indian nukes are good for 1500 miles and Pakistani nukes are good for about 900. The homefront need not worry about that. A nearby navy, yes... the continental way.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Originally posted by unclehobart
Fellas, Their nukes are feeble insofar as range goes. Indian nukes are good for 1500 miles and Pakistani nukes are good for about 900. The homefront need not worry about that. A nearby navy, yes... the continental way.

Any ground troops in the region & our pals, the Israelis too. Oh, and any ally between India/Pakistan & Israel.


this is my special title
What pals? The only thing those 2 can hit is each other, Nepal, Bhutan, SW China, Burma/Myanmar, Iran, Bangladesh, Afghanistan. Israel is waaay out of range by a good 2000 miles. The tech of their nukes isn't good. India's nukes are akin to second rate SCUDs. Pakistan's nukes are super low tech deadfire rockets. Neither has plans to make long range high tech rockets because they built them to point at each other. They can't nuke a fleet in the region because they use old school slow atmospheric rockets. We can shoot those down in a heartbeat.

China and Russia are in that region as well. Their nukes are good enough to pinpoint a fleet with untouchable space style intercontinental ballstic missiles.

I'm not sure why you think India would give a damn. All of the action would take place 2 countries removed to the NW. Pakistan could be a decent stepping stone to get to Afghanistan... except that they have something like 130 million population with 500,000 soldiers and 450 combat aircraft. Granted they aren't as high tech as we are, but we wouldn't have a Saudi Arabia to stage from this time. Any force landing would be frisky and risky at best. They use mostly MiG-27's and F-16s. We knw that their army is decently equiped because we have been the one selling them arms.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Pakistan, Germany, Israel, France :eek: , Canada, Russia :eek2: ....
and even NATO, for the first time in its history, okayed to "right" of a soverign nation to begin offensive action.
Someone, somewhere, has "...awakened a sleeping giant..." and had better be shaking in thier boots. :mad:


this is my special title
Hmm... We actually got NATO backup on this one? ...and with Russian sympathies? ... wow. All we need now if for China to turn a blind eye and we can get down to some serious business.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member

"If it is determined that this attack was directed from abroad against the United States, it shall be regarded as an action covered by Article 5 of the Washington Treaty," stated NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson, after a meeting of the North Atlantic Council on the evening of 12 September.

Article 5 of the Washington Treaty stipulates that an armed attack against one or several members shall be considered as an attack against all. Lord Robertson will now officially inform the UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, that the North Atlantic Council has agreed this statement.

NATO member countries and Russia strongly reiterated their anger and indignation at the brutal acts committed against New York and Washington D.C. during a meeting of the NATO-Russia Permanent Joint Council (PJC), 13 September. In a press statement, they expressed their deepest sympathy with the victims and families and stated that they would intensify cooperation under the NATO-Russia Founding Act to defeat terrorism. "NATO and Russia are united in their resolve not to let those responsible for such an inhuman act to go unpunished." They called on the international community to unite in the struggle against terrorism.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Not that I've heard. Seems our "friends" in the east wish to stay clear, or at least neutral, in this at present. Notice the Japanese heven't spoken either.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
You mean to tell me that, in the midst of the trauma suffered by the USA, somebody else has the nerve to allow life to go on. How inconsiderate.


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
Looks to me like we might get some cooperation:

Beijing's help would depend what kind of action was planned, said Vice Foreign Minister Wang Guangya. "We will study the case when evidence is being presented. Our attitude towards international cooperation against terrorism is positive. It all depends on the final formula."

Fairly strong words from the Chinese.


this is my special title
In other words: "What bribes and concessions can we expect in order that we turn a blind eye in the UN Security Council?"


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member



Unanimously Adopting Resolution 1368 (2001),

Council Calls on All States to Bring Perpetrators to Justice

The Security Council today, following what it called yesterday’s "horrifying terrorist attacks" in New York, Washington, D.C., and Pennsylvania, unequivocally condemned those acts, and expressed its deepest sympathy and condolences to the victims and their families and to the people and Government of the United States.

Council members departed from tradition and stood to unanimously adopt resolution 1368 (2001), by which they expressed the Council's readiness to take all necessary steps to respond to the attacks of 11 September and to combat all forms of terrorism in accordance with its Charter responsibilities.