Yep, theoretically we'll all be old and grey before the domain there expires again. Right now I'm waiting on the transfer to initiate, I got a confirmation email from Dotster that says do nothing and the transfer will go through in the next 72 hours, so basically right now it's a waiting game.
If you are itching for your fix now and are slightly advanced at Windows, you can go to your Windows folder, then the System32 folder, then Drivers, then etc, and right click HOSTS (it's an extension-less filename) and Open With... any text editor like Notepad
For me, that'd be C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\HOSTS
Stick this line at the bottom:
Keep in mind to remove that line later on when the domain is working again (you can try by going to just without the www, and seeing if it directs you to the right site or not)
I don't anticipate the IP changing very often since we are on an owned server now (co-owned by me and Andrew Townsend, since we both run active games on it), but you never know, it's best to not use the HOSTS trick when the site is working fine.
If you want to help me out monetarily, you can donate via paypal to (don't email me there though) or snail-mail it to me. I'll give you my snail mail addy if you PM or get me on MSN messenger (flurffmeister at, except hot not cold... gotta keep the spammers at bay)