original food fight thread


Staff member
Well, I couldn't throw tidy cat...this is a food fight! *zings some tuna noodle casserole at Gato*

*adds some cherry tomatoes, bell peppers and red onions to the fury, SL, swordfish-shish-kebob*...Gonz, where's that lighter fluid?

Stop Laughing

it isn't that funny!
Staff member
Hey, don't forget the mushrooms! That's it, next time McDonald's has their burgers on sale, I'm buying a gross of them for ammo here. :D Until then, I could use Wendy's fries. Where'd I put my fry gun? :biggun:

BTW, if you have some Tidy Cat to spare, I'll take it. Free litter is welcome here, as long as it's not previously used. :D


Staff member
Yeah....:D you're gonna need some Tidy Cat under that fry gun...'specially if you're shootin Wendy's fries. Eiw

May I suggest checking the Walgreens sale ad? ( they do have some great sales!)

*splooges SL with olive oil and Frenches onion soup mix (dry)*


Hey, Q... Catch THIS...

Stop Laughing

it isn't that funny!
Staff member
Nah, everything that's on sale I want to keep for myself.

This time I had my food barrier up, I'll collect it all and hurl it toward fury. Thanks Q, you saved me from buying a gross of gross burgers! :D


Staff member
Too mad to retailiate at this moment in time...but be prepared:evillaff:

*loads up assault buffet wagon* :D

Stop Laughing

it isn't that funny!
Staff member
How can you be too mad to retaliate?

I'll go get the poncho I was planning to wear to the Blue Man Group.


Staff member
Stop Laughing said:
How can you be too mad to retaliate?

I'll go get the poncho I was planning to wear to the Blue Man Group.
Trust me....I am too mad:mad:

Now get rid of that pussified lil poncho and use an umbrella like everybody else :D


Staff member
Stop Laughing said:
Nah, you broke my umbrella already.
I did not! bent a couple spokes maybe, but it still works, besides this is a food fight, you have to be creative...fillet your damn swordfish and use him.

*Smacks SL with a pickled herring*

*loads up atomic pez dispenser...zeroes in on Gato and flurf*


*laying shaped charge explosives in the bottom of a McDonalds dumpster filled with day-old cold fries, moldy burgers, and half-used ketchup packets...and a few brave cockroaches ;)* That's it...:D...you're ALL going to go... :D
*kicks over dumpster and moves to the side*
No escape...Muahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa
*presses detonator and watches the food fly towards everyone else...*


Staff member
LOL at the thought of a doggie with a cone. Sorry Q but it is a funny sight in my mind. My friend's dog had a cone and he (the dog) used to stick it in the water dish, fill it with water and then drink out of the cone.

I hope your doggie is feeling better.

*sigh of relief* I am glad I'm not a new member to this board, I DEFINATLY wouldn't want raspberry pie a la mode and mountain dew down MY thong!

*flings onion dip off of chips at EVERYONE*


Staff member
Oh, the cone (lampshade) was very sad, indeed. It was way too big. His face couldn't reach the food or the water bowl and I think he would have needed about a 3 foot wide water bowl if he wanted to dip the water into the cone. We don't have one of those. He's fine now. He has a 3" scar on the inside of his ear and he seems kinda hostile towards lamps :D

*loads artichoke launcher...aims at krusty*:scared: shitass :lurk:


Staff member
It weird how dogs understand and reconize somethings (like lamps shades = evil) but are completely clueless about what you WANT them to understand!

*loads a bazooka up with submarine andwiches* *looks around for a target*