Opinions on this..


Mushroom at large
Fluffy, back it up a bit and read what I said this time.

*readies his fireproof suit*

Can you say flamebait.

I gotta tell ya, and this is not intended to offend anyone, but I find the average sports fan to be just about the lowest life form available.

You may have heard me quote George Carlin before "If you look at how dumb the average person is, half of them are dumber than him". How is this any different?

If you're gonna set up a venue to be targetted, I can't think of a better crowd to fill it with. Except pro wrestling fans, of course.

Sooner or later, people will have to gather. Would you rather loose a stadium full of "fans", or a skyscrapper with a day care on the first floor again? As for the nature of the "fans", I've already made my point on that. You might not like it. You probably don't represent it. But you won't change it.


Staff member
I don't have any doubt what I say is not going to change your mind. I'm just stating my opinion on your opinion.

Whether they are fans attending sports or sports entertainment events or babies being watched at a daycare center, innocent people should not die.


Mushroom at large
Whether they are fans attending sports or sports entertainment events or babies being watched at a daycare center, innocent people should not die.

We agree on that. But, let's say for the sake of argument that you have to pick one of the two for anialation. Which one ya gonna pick. Or better yet, let's add some more options. Let's add a high school, a subway station, and a military base. Which one ya gonna pick to get wiped out?


Staff member
I prefer not to answer such a hypothetical question. But I see your point. You think sports fans (or better yet, pro wrestling fans in particular) are the "best choice" to die in a terrorist attack.


Mushroom at large
Look at the other possibilities. If you hit the military base, you loose trained warriors and your retalitory strike. Daycare, you loose your future. Highschool, same thing. Subway station, you loose your transport infrastructure.

The stadium might lose you some of all of the above, but your highest volume is gonna be middle aged couch potatos. Paper pushing nobodies that the world really isn't gonna miss.

I'd rather not lose anyone. But I know when to shoot my own dog, and scrap my favorite car.

I prefer not to answer such a hypothetical question.

It's nice to avoid making hard decisions. But as you get older, it gets harder and harder to dodge them. If you ask me (and you didn't) that kind of avoidance is a large part of what's wrong in the world today. People avoid having to kill bambi by buying their meat at the market. Stuff like that. It makes a really crappy world seem like a nicer place. But you shouldn't forget that it only seems that way.


Staff member
I do know the world only seems the way it is because of constant cover-up schemes going on like buying meat at the store instead of killing it yourself.

I don't, however, feel important enough to answer any question about who should die and who should live, because it is not my decision to make and I would prefer nobody dies in the first place.

(I'd make a horrible military commander)


Mushroom at large
Originally posted by fury

I don't, however, feel important enough to answer any question about who should die and who should live, because it is not my decision to make and I would prefer nobody dies in the first place.

Sorry, sunshine, but you're an american. Not only is it your place, it's your duty.

I don't, however, feel important enough to answer any question about who should die and who should live

America (correct me if I'm wrong) is about equality. Every man, woman and child has the same rights as every other person. That you don't feel important means nothing.

If you get drafted, are you gonna waffle over wether you're important enough to kill to stay alive? If you get mugged, will you stay your hand?

Fury, you're a friend. I don't say that easily, you know that. But you have to realize that sometimes you have to make the big decision. At work, you'll one day have to step on someone to get ahead. In love, one day, you'll have to rip out a girl's heart. And one day, you have to shoot your own dog. Life isn't easy. It's not supposed to be. And the harder the decision is, the more important it is to make it right.


Staff member
What if you had to choose between a stadium and Prof's house?

I'd have to save the people in the stadium.


Staff member
Daycare vs. stadium. Well the average daycare I've seen has < 100 kids, there's going to be more kids at the game so there's a good arguement for the stadium.

High School vs. Stadium - Well my highschool had about 1000 kids. Again there's probably as many at the game plus throw in all the other people and again there's a good arguement for the stadium.

I find these broad stereotypes about people at sporting events very offensive. My company gives out tickets to all their employess to San Francisco Giants games, there's a lot of families at sporting events and I am generally of the opinion that it is wholesome entertainment that attracts fans across many economic, social, and cultural lines.


Since I am a mod of this forum, I am choosing to be discreet in making comments in this post.


Staff member
Originally posted by fury
I don't, however, feel important enough to answer any question about who should die and who should live, because it is not my decision to make and I would prefer nobody dies in the first place.
Originally posted by Professur
Sorry, sunshine, but you're an american. Not only is it your place, it's your duty.
I was staying outta this one, but I gotta ask....since when is it our duty as americans to decide who should die? ...or who is important enough not to?


Everday People
I think the correct ansewr behind door number one would be neither. We have to get to that point where there is no more loss of lives and that is what we are attempting to do with this coalition. BD


Staff member
I guess I was more asking why prof said that...or if he meant it a different way than I took it.


Mushroom at large
Actually, that specific comment was directed at your judicial system. Any american can be called to jury duty. And in many states, that may involve a murder trial with a possible death sentence. And I think your pledge of alligence makes certain demands on citizens to defend your country. Not sure on that one. And can't american citizens be drafted into the army, and be required to kill by congressional order?


Staff member
ummmm, sorta...
you can be selected for jury duty provided you have not been convicted of a felony....and there are many ways to get excused from it. If it is a potential death penalty case, the prosecutors will not choose a juror who does not believe in the death penalty.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America
and to the republic for which it stands: one nation under God, indivisible,
with liberty and justice for all.

not really too threatening :D

and as far as the draft goes...they can't just draft anybody...you won't see a 70 year old lady with an M-16. There hasn't been a draft in effect since 1974, I believe. There are ways to be excused from that as well, if you are truly morally opposed, or have a health restriction...they tend to frown on the certified loonies too.


Staff member
Originally posted by Q
...70 year old lady with an M-16...

Kid: Maaaaaaaaaaaa-aaam! Granny's been drafted again!

Mom: Quick! Hide the nuclear missiles and lock down the grenade launchers!
