Neo is in the hospital


New Member
Good to hear that you are home.....just sit back and take it easy and hopefully the docs can get to the bottom of it.

Stop Laughing

it isn't that funny!
Staff member
I've been gone for a while, and I'm sorry to hear about this. Be thankful you went to a hospital that treated you right. Earlier this year, my uncle had similar symptoms and went to his area hospital after taking the day off of work because he didn't feel well. All they did was give him a shot of cortizone for his shoulder/chest pain and sent him home, no EKG or any other test that should be mandatory when someone comes in with chest/shoulder pains and are near. He died of a heart attack a few hours later in his home after walking the dog. :( It was also a few days before his 50th birthday when we were gonna surprise him with a huge birthday party. My aunt is still suing the hospital for malpractice, no update on that yet. :(


One of a Kind
That is awful SL, I'm really sorry to hear that. Now you see why I hate doctors so much. But I 'm glad that Neo got a good one and was taken care of.


this is my special title
Its not the doctors you should hate. Its the managed care providers looking for every way to slash costs and boost profits. They are the ones who are forcing the docs to lowball their care standards.


One of a Kind
My docters change my diagnosis on a bi-weekly bases and never offer me any kind of cure for anything. SO I don't bother. The care standards out here are not that bad in my neighborhood, but someplaces they are and that makes me very mad! :mad:


mofo extraordinaire
Most Doctors I've seen lately are Dentists and Veterinarians. Of those there is difinitely good ones and bad ones. Have a Women Dentist now, She real dedicated and skilled. But she lacks Elbow power on the tooth caps :D Before her a Male Dentist before he retired. After seeing him felt like you got beat up, but those fillings never came loose :D
The Veterinarians saw last year for our late German sheppard. Had a diagestion problems, He would block up. I ended up giving him enemas twice a week to clear him out, (not an easy task). He kept lossing weight and under the care of 3 veterinarians only one of them could give a damn about the dog. The other two only interested in padding the bill making the most dough off the incident.
Its like buyer beware, need to find a good doctor for your needs.


SWM 40 seeking truth
In case anybody still doesn't know. Neo is home. They still don't quite know what the problem is but are going to be doing some more tests to eliminate possibilities.

I thought he would have posted in here by now, but obviously I have proved yet again what happens when you ASS-U-ME.


Staff member
Well i'm feeling pretty good today. Not as tired as I have been.
I have my first Dr. appointment on tuesday, kinda a rehash of what happened last week. And to go over the test that have been done so far.
They still are not sure what caused the pain, but 1 Dr. thinks it could be a Hyatel hernia,or something similiar. Apparently it has the same effects as a heart attack. Sounds like more fun...
On sept. 14 they will be giving me another test which will prove or disprove his theory. After that if they are not happy i will get to have a heart catherization( they cut into my leg and follow an artery up thru the heart)
I really hate all this rest stuff, makes ya feel like nothing is getting done that should be. I know its for the good but....
I will try and keep you guys posted as to whats happening.
Thanks again for all your concearns and prayers, It is greatly appreciated from me and the family.


New Member
Damn Sam.

Glad to here that your doin' better :)

Leave town for a couple of days and all hell breaks loose...

Oh and remember... Don't let the bastiches get you down ;)


Mushroom at large
Frig. This is just what I wanna read coming back from vacation. Lay off the friggin cheeseburgers already!!!

And get the **** better already.


That sucks, I hope you get better, Neo.

Let's all have a salutory wank in honor of our friendly admin, Neo.