OK, I have a lot of questions and things I am thinking about. Any opinions or views will be greatly appreciated.
I will be going away to university next year and do not know whether I should get a desktop machine or a laptop. I already have a cel 400 (HP Palvion) which I will be taking with me. The only computer that will be at my house when I leave will be a P133. I can not decide whether I should buy/build a desktop computer or buy a laptop.
I plan to come home often on weekends and prolly will not beable to work on the 133 (if I have no laptop I'd have to go to brainsoft's house to do my work on weekends). So, from the point of view of coming home I know a laptop would be best. In terms of while I am at school though, do you think a laptop would be better? Is it worth the extra $500 to have the portability of being able to have a computer anywhere on campus I go? Or should I get a desktop and have a bit faster machine? I don't game or overclock, so, I don't think the extra power would be necessary (if I get a laptop it will be a Athlon XP 1800+ w/ 256MB DDR RAM)
I will be going away to university next year and do not know whether I should get a desktop machine or a laptop. I already have a cel 400 (HP Palvion) which I will be taking with me. The only computer that will be at my house when I leave will be a P133. I can not decide whether I should buy/build a desktop computer or buy a laptop.
I plan to come home often on weekends and prolly will not beable to work on the 133 (if I have no laptop I'd have to go to brainsoft's house to do my work on weekends). So, from the point of view of coming home I know a laptop would be best. In terms of while I am at school though, do you think a laptop would be better? Is it worth the extra $500 to have the portability of being able to have a computer anywhere on campus I go? Or should I get a desktop and have a bit faster machine? I don't game or overclock, so, I don't think the extra power would be necessary (if I get a laptop it will be a Athlon XP 1800+ w/ 256MB DDR RAM)