Need Opinions


Staff member
OK, I have a lot of questions and things I am thinking about. Any opinions or views will be greatly appreciated.

I will be going away to university next year and do not know whether I should get a desktop machine or a laptop. I already have a cel 400 (HP Palvion) which I will be taking with me. The only computer that will be at my house when I leave will be a P133. I can not decide whether I should buy/build a desktop computer or buy a laptop.

I plan to come home often on weekends and prolly will not beable to work on the 133 (if I have no laptop I'd have to go to brainsoft's house to do my work on weekends). So, from the point of view of coming home I know a laptop would be best. In terms of while I am at school though, do you think a laptop would be better? Is it worth the extra $500 to have the portability of being able to have a computer anywhere on campus I go? Or should I get a desktop and have a bit faster machine? I don't game or overclock, so, I don't think the extra power would be necessary (if I get a laptop it will be a Athlon XP 1800+ w/ 256MB DDR RAM)


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
For me, college was a pretty travel-intensive experience. Having my only machine solidly locked into place would've been a real drawback. I'd probably say get the lappy.

Is there any way you can delay the decision until you've been there a month or so and know what you're dealing with?


Staff member
I can delay the decission because I still have the HP that will definately be with me at school anyways. The only thing will be if I decide to build a machine it will prolly have to be done in one weekend because I will need brainsoft's help. Maybe I will wait and see though. That is a good idea, thank you.

Any other opinions guys?


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Laptop is more easily stolen. That would be my main concern.


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
Yep you definitely need to be more security conscious with a lappy. But wouldn't it be nice to go outside and write a term paper under a tree rather than inside?


Staff member
Yeah, I'm not really concerned with the security issues, I think I can keep track of it and I don't plan on leaving it lying around anyway.


Staff member
Justintime: I was suppose ot go on the weekend and order it but there was misunderstandings and a pushy bf's mother who told him to take me somewhere else other than where I asked (a further away location of the store unless you go on toll roads) and I got mad, etc, etc. So, I haven't ordered it yet.


Staff member
The one I'm looking at has 4 USB ports, one firewire, a monitor plug and one other one I think...


New Member
Nixy, I personally would recommend a laptop in your situation. Now, if I had to have just one computer, (oh god the horror), It would have to be a desktop. More bang for the buck.


Staff member
Puter Tutor! brainsoft 9my bf) also says "Destops are more bang for your buck!" Must be some sort of computer geek saying! ;)


Staff member
Well then he must love me more than he lets on because I give me tons of bang for no bucks! :D