My mugshot for the gallery


this is my special title


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
Yeah, but he's a discerning tree-huggin' hippee. We had to throw out 6 or 7 other shots just to get three he liked. :D


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
LMAO Outtie; Unc, you look so thoughtful in that pic!

Wish I knew what the hell I did with my webcam during my move.


this is my special title
Not thoughtful, just squinting a bit. I was looking towards the afternoon sun and it was killing my eyes.


Have you ever given any consideration to becoming a priest or minister? A white collar with a black shirt would go good with that pic. :beerchug:


One of a Kind
Long hair does not equal tree hugger. Sometimes it equals hadbanger metal head, or sometimes just a guy who likes long pretty hair. A lot of my friends have really long hair.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
As a headbanging Metal type of tree-hugging earth friendly not-a hippie; what the hell's wrong with hugging trees-they don't touch ya back, they are completely non-judgemental(unlike me), the never complain & the give one killer back-scratching. plus they NEVER EVER HAVE PMS OR YELL.:worm:


this is my special title
Originally posted by Gonzo
As a headbanging Metal type of tree-hugging earth friendly not-a hippie; what the hell's wrong with hugging trees-they don't touch ya back, they are completely non-judgemental(unlike me), the never complain & the give one killer back-scratching. plus they NEVER EVER HAVE PMS OR YELL.:worm:
You obviously haven't had a pine tree snap off in a hurricane and try to skewer your house like a toothpick through an olive. Trees are malicious I tells ya! They're just waiting for you to turn your back... then WHAMMO!


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Originally posted by unclehobart

You obviously haven't had a pine tree snap off in a hurricane and try to skewer your house like a toothpick through an olive. Trees are malicious I tells ya! They're just waiting for you to turn your back... then WHAMMO!

kind of like everything else in life-it's knot fair(whoever said life was fair anyway)