My cat


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
This last Saturday, my cat Oscar came limping into the house. I could see that his leg just wasen't right. His right hind leg was noticably "out of place". Comforting him until Monday, he grew lathargic and only wanted to sleep. Monday came and we took him to the vet. Yep. He got hit by a car. His hip was not only dislocated, by all the tendons were torn. Poor guy. To top it off, he was attacked by rodents after he got hurt. Most likely he was in a state of shock or he was to weak to defend himself properly. Needless to say, he's house bound for the rest of his life. You can see the leg, circled in red, and how it is noticably setup from the spine.

ANyway, my little buddy is going to be OK. I almost started to cry at the vet when we dropped him off.


And here is a kitten that was being fed while we were waiting.



Staff member
Im glad Oscar is going to be alright. It would be the same around here if he werent taking those great pics he does.
Wasnt he the one who tought you how to use the camera? :D


New Member
Please tell me that pic was taken before they worked on him? His leg looks better now I hope?

It breaks my heart to hear animals suffering in silence like that--if it was a human, we would be screaming our heads off. Thankfully enough for him, he must be feeling a whole lot better now.

*feels like watching Emergency Vets on Animal Planet now*


Staff member

Good thing that he wasn't fatally injured. My cousin's cat was hit in the head by a car :(


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
This poor guy. He was hit by a car which is how the leg got dislocated. BTW, there is nothing they can do for the leg. It's still dislocated and always will be. What he needs to do is work the leg and restregthen it. It'll never be like it was though. This is the reason he's house bound. I don't know if anyone remembers some of the past pictures of this guy, but I posted one with him chasing a lazer light. This will be his main source of rehab. The muscles will eventually form a "joint" where it's at now. It could be put back in, but it'll come right back out. Better to leave it out and let a "new joint" be formed.

The real sad part was that after he was hit, some rodents, most likely rats, attacked him. Most likely while he was in a state of shock or when he got hit and was unconcious. He's got small little bites....two small indents at each point, along each leg. So somehow, he got up and limped back home with that bad leg.

I had to bigten up the top photo in order to make the leg more prominant. Looks like crap but it's not a glamour shot. hehe.

Well, soon after we got home, he got a bath...anyone who has given a cat a bath knows the sheer joy in this endeavour. Ugh. That leg may be bad, but he still wants to use. The remains of what used to be skin on my arm is proof of this. :lol:

Stop Laughing

it isn't that funny!
Staff member
It's so sad seeing a cat (or any animal, for that matter) hurt and try to work through it. I was almost crying too when my cat was scratching her head so much she gave herself scars and now she's got some bald spots where the scars are. :( I would cry too if my cat was injured, I've had her for 14 years now since I was 6 years old.


New Member
PostCode said:
This poor guy. He was hit by a car which is how the leg got dislocated. BTW, there is nothing they can do for the leg. It's still dislocated and always will be. What he needs to do is work the leg and restregthen it. It'll never be like it was though. This is the reason he's house bound. I don't know if anyone remembers some of the past pictures of this guy, but I posted one with him chasing a lazer light. This will be his main source of rehab. The muscles will eventually form a "joint" where it's at now. It could be put back in, but it'll come right back out. Better to leave it out and let a "new joint" be formed.


Maybe it's because of my mind and thinking about human arm dislocations, but it just seems very unnatural to not try to reduce a dislocation. I don't understand that at all. Why won't it stay in? :confused:


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
There isn't anything there to support it. Everything got torn out. The tendons and everything else that holds it in place. From the stuff I've read on the Internet about this, cat's are pretty resiliant when it comes to injuries like this. He should be close to 80 or 90% when it's formed the "new joint" to work with. It's just a matter of exercise.


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
Callin' him chicken legs now. He's got shaved legs. hehe Funny as heck actually, :lol: Poor guy smells like Suave also. I didn't have any cat shampoo so we just used to regular stuff. Just amde sure we really rinced him off good, after that came the Advantage. The fleas slit. Those little bastards were jumpin' ship as soon as I started putting it on. After this came the antibiotics. Speaking of which...time for another dose.

Stop Laughing

it isn't that funny!
Staff member
My cat hated those medicines. We had to give her an orange-flavored antibiotic, and she always resisted it, but I gave it to her (good thing it was liquid, I have no idea how I'd get her to take pills). I always made sure when I applied the cream on her wounds at night and replaced the cut out sock around her neck (even that was sad to see) to keep her from cutting herself again, I made sure to give her the antibiotic last so she could get a drink of water right afterwards to wash out the taste.


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
The best I've found to give an animal a pill is take an pencil and dab a tiny amount of butter on the eraser end then stick the pill on that. Wrap the animal up with a blanket or something then wedge it's mouth open and quickly insert the pencil and when you bring it out, you tap the back of it's throat and drop the pill. Quick though.


New Member
PostCode said:
There isn't anything there to support it. Everything got torn out. The tendons and everything else that holds it in place. From the stuff I've read on the Internet about this, cat's are pretty resiliant when it comes to injuries like this. He should be close to 80 or 90% when it's formed the "new joint" to work with. It's just a matter of exercise.

Thank you, now I understand. :)

I'm glad he's going to be ok. I've watched enough of those animal shows to know that they are very resiliant and can live with things like that quite easily. In time, I'm sure you'll notice it more than he will. :)

Can we get a 'chicken legs' picture??

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
PostCode said:
To top it off, he was attacked by rodents after he got hurt. Most likely he was in a state of shock or he was to weak to defend himself properly.
Hmmmm looks like the rodents had their little revenge :lol: I like cats so much. I'm doing my best to refuse an offer from my neighbours to adopt one right now. I hope Oscar gets over it :)


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
I had to wait until he got up and started to walk around a bit to get it, but here's a shot of his hind legs. It's a crappy image but it'll do. He was so damn wobbly on them. :/


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