My cat


New Member
Awwwww! Chicken legs!! :D They don't look all that bad. Maybe he'll start a fashion trend among the neighborhood felines. ;)


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
hehe. He's licking them constantly...I think it itches him. His bite wounds are healing real fast and he is starting to use that leg a little bit. The idiot ran down the hall when he heard the can opener...his leg gave out on him when he turned the corner. Got right back up though. I guess food has it's priorities. :lol:

This cat has cost me more money than any other cat I've owned. He got really sick when he was about 4 months old and nearly dies. Had some kind of infection. When we took him to the vet, he pegged the thermometor. He was real bad. Took a few weeks for him to recover from that. Now this. He's running outta lives real fast.


New Member
How old is he? Some people wonder how you can spend so much money on an injured or sick pet but I don't. I understand sometimes the cost of caring for a terminally ill animal can be too much to bear too though. Whenever I had a dog, I was too young to pay vet's fees.

Ok I'm rambling... I just woke up, I should drink some coffee before I post. :)


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
The first visit ran us $75, then the nut removal cost another $75. This last trip ran us $150. Then, of course, there is the regular shots, but that's routines stuff.