Must say....


Everday People
I don't know if it's the contest or just that the holidays are over but the board looks alot better than reading 6 month old posts/and answering them to boot.;):beerchug:


this is my special title
Fury and S4 brought up religion and politics within 24 hours of each other... instant pitchfork warfare. Now we all want each other to suffer painful deaths.


Staff member
I didn't intentionally bring up religion, at least not for it to cause a war between each other. :(

But I guess the two go hand-in-hand...


New Member
edited 1.11.02

nothings wrong with the religious topics ... too bad we can't say the person in the politics thread :mad:


we may be fighting but at least that's a form of communication, right? :D

Just kidding ... religious topics are fine ... even political ones ... it's just the stoopid, ignorant people - err, person - that doesn't know where to draw the line or just plain shut up :mad: :mad:

by the way, how you doin, BigDaddy? How were the holidays?


Think back on the old days of the off topic forum at hwc for those of you who were there. We had a lot of people disagreeing about politics and religion. We had a lot of people that couldn't stand each other. Yet, the ot forum was an extremely happening place at that time. There was a lot of posting going on. What poured cold water on the forum was that some admin came in there and started telling people they couldn't say this or that. Please don't use the word shit when shoot or heck sounds so much nicer. Remember that pep talk Housen gave us about cleaning our language up and being nice to each other. Look at his forums now. Does he have a lot of cool people hanging around talking about everything under the sun? No, he doesn't let anyone talk about anything.

Would you rather have a forum where you can speak your mind or one like that?

Btw, I started my politic thread for a different reason than Fury did. I was thinking back on something a big fat democrat did to me and am still sore about it. I really don't like democrats very well based on personal experience of something that happened. I do not care to elaborate, but every so often I start getting mad thinking about it.
I think that the only way you can have descent discussions concerning politics or religion are, if possible, when you just don't take things personal.

I think everybody has the right to give his/her opinion. No matter what other people think, you must be able to give your own view on certain matters. Of course other people won't always agree (like uncle did concerning my opinion on Mr. Bush). But that is oke, it's nice to see how other people think on the same issue.
I don't agree entirely with uncle, but he has some relatively acceptable points. He also has some points I really don't agree on, but that's fine.
Nothing personal on uncle, it's just an example.

I don't care if other people agree with me on certain issues. Why should I care? Should I take something personal, when somebody 6000 miles away types something about me or about my opinion? Somebody I don't even know which his or her name is?
That would be rediculous.

Like I said: discussions are great and I really enjoy them, but people should really stop taking things personal.
Of course there is a sense of emotion in certain threads, but try to see things in a objective way and not to attack people personal.
Not only doesn't it serve any matter, it is also rediculous to call somebody names or something while you don't even know this person.

Just my $ 0.02...


New Member
Shadowfax said:
I think that the only way you can have descent discussions concerning politics or religion are, if possible, when you just don't take things personal.

Discussions and debates with people that have a different opinion is a great way to learn new things and see things in a different perspective!

When someone, however, is immature and reverts to talking shit about family, then it becomes personal.


HomeLAN said:
Now, you wouldn't be talkin' 'bout me, would ya? :scared:

you? Why'd we say anything 'bout you, Steve? You're one of the most decent men I know, online anyway :) Intelligent, open-minded, and above all else, you're not stoopid :D

I agree with Shadowfax, once again. I've learned a lot about different kinds of people whilst traversing these boards .... it's a shame though that some people can't learn the difference between a good discussion and bad form ...


ahh .. I just realized why HomeLan may have thought us to be talking about him .. well, I shouldn't say "us", I should say "me" ...

when people argue their points in a discussion, it's actually fine with me as long as their not attacking each other ... it gives people who are looking on a chance to see different perspectives and make an informed decision .. hopefully, the two (or more) who are arguing will also see something in what the other is saying ....

BUT when someone starts attacking people they don't know, especially those who are not even members of the board and are family to those on the board, now that's a line that should never be crossed. I don't care if anyone thought me or ku'u to be over reacting - because around here, we take care of our elders and their honor .... with everything we have physically and spiritually ....

so, Steve ... I didn't in any way intend for you to take what I said to mean I was talking about you and I apologize that it came out that way.


HomeLAN said:
Thank God. The last thing I need is both of you after me.

:D ... we're not that bad .. unless, of course, we don't like you or you attack our family :lurk:



kuulani said:

Depends on the context, most people would love it ... :kiss:

I must be slipping .... that didn't even come to mind ... :eek:

you know what ku'u? that kissy face smiley sorta kinds looks like you giving your morning smoochies :)