No Unc, I don't have your kind of bank account. It's a bracelet my mother-inlaw had made for me in Mauritius. My watch in on my other arm. I know I should be on the left. When I was a kid I had a pacman watch(game on it and all!) and the metal bottom caused a rash on my wrist, so I put the watch on my right wrist and there were no problems. I've worn my watch on that wirst ever since.
Prof, our friends from Montreal were in town and we had gone for a walk on Yonge St. We were by the Skydome when it started to rain, so I took them through the underground pathway up to the Eaton Center. We stopped at the Bay go get something to drink.
We also had peacan pie. The picture way taken by out friends cousin from France. Thats why we had a camera in the Bay.
Are those long enough answers for you guys?