Let's not lower our already eroding national IQ by allowing people who know there's a desert between Mexico & the US & not bothering to bring water. They are breaking the law. They are stupid for not having potable water. Why save them?
jeez IT'S HOT & DRY you dumbasses

Carrying five gallon jugs of water through the Arizona desert in June is a punishing task. But these folks volunteered for it. They are members of a year-old religious group known as Humane Borders. It was formed to help Mexican migrants who illegally cross into the U.S. woefully unprepared for the sun and heat. In the last three years, the Immigration and Naturalization Service estimates more than 1,000 migrants have died of various causes trying to cross into the United States. This time of year, in this place, it's the heat and the lack of water that kills them, almost 20 just since May. Humane Borders volunteer Stan Curd says he is motivated to try to stop the deaths by the golden rule.