It's War


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Israeli Tanks Enter Bethlehem
Sun Mar 31,10:02 PM ET
By IBRAHIM HAZBOUN, Associated Press Writer

BETHLEHEM, West Bank - Israeli tanks entered Bethlehem early Monday, stopping 500 yards from the Church of the Nativity, which marks the traditional birthplace of Jesus, witnesses said.

Earlier, dozens of Israeli tanks rolled into the West Bank town of Qalqiliya, marking a widening of the Israeli operation that began Friday when Israeli forces broke into the compound around Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's office in the West Bank town of Ramallah and took up positions just outside his office. Other tanks took control of the town.

The Israeli military refused to comment about the Bethlehem incursion. Tanks and armored vehicles were seen approaching Bethlehem overnight. The invasion began at 5:30 a.m., shortly before daybreak.

The moves into the two towns came after a speech by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to his nation, in which he pledged, "We will clean out the terrorist infrastructure from the foundations." He spoke after two Palestinian suicide bombers struck, killing 15 Israelis.


this is my special title
A few tanks doesnt constitute war in my eyes. That sounds more like well protected police action. I will wait for the mortars and napalm to fly to call it war.


this is my special title
Yeah, yeah... its the same old same old that been going on since 47. I won't raise an eyebrow until I read reports that Egypt is mobilizing.


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
They got their asses kicked the last time. They wont try a move like that again. Besides, they want peace more than any other middle eastern country.