Ok. I crused to the mall, thinking it would be this crowded haven of last minute lunatics, with only two kids instead of the whole bunch of the brats. We hit a couple stores then came to a Wilson's Leather. Aaahaaa. That's the ticket. A leather skirt. Yeppers. I'm set. No worries here.

That and a dozen green stems...the kind that had a red thinger on the end THAT WILL EVENTUALLY DIE! Woman....
Spirit, you got me thinking. That's were the rose thingers came from. But man...have you ever tried to drive a car with a dozen, soon to be dead, roses that are in a vase with water, that you gotta try to hold straight in a parking lot full of STUPID PEOPLE WHO GOT THEIR FRIGGIN LICENSE'S OUT OF A BOX OF CEREAL!!
I hate shopping.....