I need a beer


this is my special title
10 hours of cleaning house... and I still havent made it to the kitchen yet. God, I need a beer. None in the house to be found ...and I'm just not in the mood for wine. I have the strength to keep pushing through and finish up ... but not the ability to care. :D There is tomorrow morning, after all.


couple of questions for you Rob:

1. why are you cleaning the house? what's so important that would cause you to spend hours and hours cleaning?

2. where is the dude you call "roomie"? he's helping you, isn't he?

c. why, why, WHY don't you have any beer in your house?!?!?!?!


The last question is the most important. Why do you not have any beer in the house? That's un-American. Shame on you.:usa:


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
Oh, Rob. Where did I go wrong. *sigh*

We've tried mnemonics, chanting, and even negative behavior reinforcement, and you STILL run out of beer. Kids today, ya can teach 'em, but they just won't learn.

*Pops new beer*


this is my special title
1. Mom is coming through town tomorrow and needs a place to prop up her feet for the night. Her hubby is tagging along... and the only largish bed in the house is my own. Soooo ... I had to break down and sterlize eeeeeverything in the area to that certain 3 star hotel swankiness level. Being a typical batchelor... all that wasnt covered in laundry was covered in dust, power tools or discarded coffee mugs. It only took about 7 hours to square the room away... but the impulse carried on through to vaccuming the rufs and a marginal effort in the kitchen.

2. Toby... erm ... heh. ... he got up at 11 or so and started picking up in his own area (aka basement). To ask him to clean anything outside of his own territory is to draw the equivalent stare of the family dog.

3. I ran out mid December and just forgot to restock... Every weekend was a Christmasy party loaded with beer and such ... by the time the well ran dry... well ... the cupboard was bare. That and I just havent gotten offa my kiester and traveled all of 2 1/2 miles to the store to restock. I can be a lazy biyatch at times. Besides, I found nice dusty bottle of merlot that I am now happily nursing.


*sighing deeply as I look over in HomeLAN's direction*

Steve, the man's been out of beer since mid-December for pete's sake ... I mean, I know you've got a 7 month old and all but come on, where's your priorities? :eh:

ok Rob - merlot is a lovely wine, that's a given ... but you should never run out of beer ... never ever ... *in my best 'stern-mommy' voice* .. now let this be a lesson to you, young man!


Mushroom at large
*laughs hysterically* No beer .... LOSER!!!

Have you ever considered having the local store deliver?


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
ok Unc. take your bad ankle out in the weather, get some beer, drink lots of it & see if you can get a matching set---call Beers r us for delivery, like Prof said.;)


Staff member
No beer....and he's making excuses.
*snorts, bangs head on keybord*

Guess Q won't need to be "twirling on head" today...huh?


this is my special title
Im ready for company now... and have a case of Guinness, a case of Coors, and a 12 of Sam Adams. I'm set for a while.


Mushroom at large
By my math, you're good for the weekend. You really should have put by some serious stocks.

Illegal?? Primatives.


this is my special title
Its not as if I was in total remiss. I did have wine, port, and liqueurs on hand. I had just simply run out of beer-like draught.


this is my special title
Thats because you probably dont muck it up all that bad in the first place. I had power tools and the contents of an entire medicine cabinet and general clutter strewn all over the master bedroom. In making it all super spiff, I had to replace some lightbulbs, dust, polish, .... get down on my knees with an old toothbrush and really work that grout and brass fixtures. I even organized my closets and did a double vaccum job on two floors of the house. The end effect was worth it.


*always thanks the gods that ku'u has beer in her house* :D

hey Rob - how much would it cost for your services per hour? cleaning the house I mean ... get your head outta the gutter ;)