high school kids = jerks


New Member
are all high school kids jerks to some degree? when are they gonna mature and not feel compelled to "show off" by being jerky to everyone else around them?

where are the days where students used to be afraid of teachers and authority ... it's 'cause they know teachers legally can't do anything to them - they think they can get away with their attitudes.


New Member
Hrm. Looks like Ku'u isn't having a good day. Tell us what happened Ku'u!

I have to agree with you about alot of HS kids I know these days. If they're not being rude, they're doing everything they can to get attention. I'm going to sound so old when I say this, but, I don't remember it being like that when I was in school. Or maybe I have selective memory and we were looked at the same way but we didn't know it?

Maybe you should start carrying a paddle around with you. Can you do that in Hawaii? Paddle kids under the age of 18? :D :smash:


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
They have a different set of priorities now, but everybody on this site, older than 30 at least, should remember that we were assholes too.:smoke:


New Member
I'm still 29 for another few months so I guess I don't have to remember? Ok, I admit it-I was probably obnoxious when I was that age. But I'm still obnoxious. *shrugs* ;)

Stop Laughing

it isn't that funny!
Staff member
I found the other high school kids obnoxious jerks when I was in high school. I didn't even notice me, I kept quiet most of the time.


New Member
Nix said:
I'm a HS "kid" and i don't think I'm obnoxious.

From the little that I know of you, I agree with you Nix. I was referring to my cousins, my friend's son and his friends-alot of them are very obnoxious and seem to live to annoy everyone else.

Like SL, do you see that in other people your age though?


Staff member
I did ALOT of stuff that I am not proud of when I was in high school. I sure did have fun though.


Psycho Penguin
hehe. I knew this girl in High Scool, everyone called her "turtle"..... Long story...... ;)

We had one teacher, Mr Maley, he wound up being a straight jacket tester for the local loonie asylum.... Whoops! :retard:


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
flavio said:
I did ALOT of stuff that I am not proud of when I was in high school. I sure did have fun though.

Isn't that the entire point. Be a screw up while it's okay, because in an adult, it's just irratating behaviour.


well, I'm sure I was a jerk to some degree but I know I wasn't as disrespectful as I've seen a lot of them act in the last couple of months. But, on the other hand, I do have to say that there a few that I trust completely - who takes care of things for me when I'm not here ... and those are the ones I never thought I would be able to trust.
I'm always annoying, in a positive way; I always comment on everything I don't agree with...but in a constructive way.

Damn, that sounded old, but I'm not a HS kid anymore ;)
Yah! I'm in College <- even greater assholes :p


1 of 3
What used to blow me away was the HS girls that would travel the subway after school. In particular, the Hispanic girls! Man; their cursing could rival any construction worker that I had ever worked with. Plus the attitude! If someone happened to to be staring at them in amazement of what they were hearing, they would jump right in that person's face and start cursing at them. They just didn't care!
I was really amazed today. I was on the train when I was on my way home.
Onboard the train was this black girl, maybe 15 ~ 16 yrs old. Allright, she smoked. That's OK, so do I.
But it was 3 PM and she got a can of Heineken out of her bag and started drinking from it with a straw...it looked really weird. She looked like hell.

Sometimes I pity people.


Official Wine Taster
Per'aps there was once a time when more parents actually took the time to indulge themselves in raisin' their children, before they went to HS. Maybe those children felt more secure with themselves because of it. Maybe those youngins' felt like they didn't 'ave to "scream" as loud to be 'eard...........but, naw..............jus' a thought.;)


New Member
:laugh: @ Patweb

I was actually a very quiet kid till I reached High School and (I'm ashamed to say this) hung out with this crowd and got sucked into the peer pressure thing... I had to dress exactly like everyone else, do the same hairstyle, smoke, etc. Took a few years for me to break out of that conformity habit. I do remember being embarrassed by the sheer volume of the girls in my 'crowd' though.