high school kids = jerks


Psycho Penguin
Shadowfax said:
I was really amazed today. I was on the train when I was on my way home.
Onboard the train was this black girl, maybe 15 ~ 16 yrs old. Allright, she smoked. That's OK, so do I.
But it was 3 PM and she got a can of Heineken out of her bag and started drinking from it with a straw...it looked really weird. She looked like hell.

Sometimes I pity people.
Thats a real crying shame. Heineken (or any beer) is spoiled in a can. Glass is the only way to go. :D


You gals seem a little stressed.. hows about we take y'all back to my place so I can loosen ya up a bit? :cool:


New Member
i must've had a bad day up there, sorry for lumping all high school kids as jerks. i don't even remember what they did to make me label them like that. (most of them are jerks most of the time though) :D


WOOHOO!!! I have an actual good high school story to tell!

Whilst I away on the mainland, I left the computer lab to three students ... it was their responsibility to set it up every day (take them from the cart and set them up on fold out tabless) and break them down at the end of each day. There were no problems .. it was done everyday! They've even now taken it upon themselves to make sure the rules of the lab are enforced! WOOHOO!!!! This is one for the record books, huh?

And, might I add, these three boys are the least geeky you'd ever find ...they're the ones that would normally be labeled "handfuls" or "possible ADHD" ... I sh*t you not.


New Member
High school really sucked for me. My group of "friends" didn't want me around. If I had a disagr4eement with anyone, everyone would take the other person's side just because it was against me, no matter if I was right or not. They would make plans specifically excluding me. I was always held to a different standard than everyone else.

Of course, once I got to college I found that the people here aren't a whole lot better in general.


^ bored.
Most of my school time sucked too, until the last 2 years or so, basically because I had an opinion of my own and refused to go along with the group, which most 'friends' did... ah well, screw them :D