Hey, the only time the power goes out here is during storms or extreme heat (in the city, hasn't happened here in SP that I know of). Granted, the extreme heat they can prevent and have finally started getting around to fixing it. All other electrical problems here are from bad outlets, fuses, and wiring, and probably needs a ton of work, but those are our problems, not theirs. If the power stays on consistently with no cutoffs or problems, that's fine by me.
1. Most recent problem: A timeline will help unfold the stupidity of all the companies related to our phone line:
1991: My father leaves and my parents get divorced. Our long distance account is in his name.
2002: They realize that he doesn't live here anymore and decide rather than change the name of the account to my mother, who has been sending them checks with her name on them for the last 11 years, they just completely shut off our long distance service without any notice.
Brilliant. We love making a rather important long distance call and not being able to get through because of their stupidity. Of course, it had to be on Sunday, when no one is around to help. The phone company gave us a list of a ton of long distance carriers, but on a Sunday, which of them will be available?
2. We've had our phone service cut off about 3-4 times during the day while they worked on the phone lines down our street. How hard is it to maintain a residential area's phone lines? Do they always have to be repairing the station around the corner with all the phone lines of the neighborhood in it?
3. One time they must've rerouted my grandmother's phone line, because someone new was moving into an apartment a couple of buildings away from her, and all calls to her number went there.

I'm still baffled by this one.
4. The worst one was when our phone line went completely dead in a bizarre way. Instead of getting a dial tone, all we got was faint static, and the higher in the house, the fainter the static. It sounded like a Geiger counter. I went across the street to the pay phone to call the phone company about it, and after half an hour getting through the automated service (with about 6 options related to billing, all before actual line repairs) and another hour on hold, the best they could do was tell us that they tested our phone line and it came up "inconclusive". WTF "inconclusive" meant was beyond any of us. Dialing our house just got busy signals. It took them about 3-4 days to fix it.
They're the only reliable DSL service around here, and even though dialup isn't that great, I don't think I'll trust them with DSL, especially for $50+ a month. The cable company is just as bad, we've had one problem with them, but because of that problem, we don't have anything to do with them anymore.
Our fiver optic cable line in the back of the house was cut, thus disconnecting our cable TV. We called, and got the typical response of when they won't show up to fix it. in fact, they never showed up at all. We cancelled our cable TV service then, and yet they would still send us bills. It got funny when the threats of being cut off if we didn't pay came, though.
As to the juggernaut of food, bring it on! I need a free meal.