OK Neo let me see if I can remember all of um....
Full time:
p4 2.533
p4 2.4
p4 2.4
p4-cel 2.0
amd xp2000+
tbird 1.4
cel-tualitin 1.0
Part time:
p4-cel 1.7
tbird 1.2 (I think I've about got this one smoothed out)
old slot A tbird 700 (This one is real smooth now)

Good backup
PIII 667
PII 450 (nonetting)
Backups: (not crunching, to conserve power)
------------ (Got um though if we need um)

PII 400
K6-2 450
PII 300
cel 333
PII 266
cel 266
Maybe coming soon: ???
PII 450
K6-2 400
I think I remembered um all,,,