:D /// Damn .. I almost beat you to it with my magical forensic accounting methods.
unclehobart this is my special title Mar 18, 2003 #21 /// Damn .. I almost beat you to it with my magical forensic accounting methods.
unclehobart this is my special title Mar 18, 2003 #24 Where is the nearest Cinnabon to you at the new location? I know Nix has it made 'cause there one right in Brampton... which makes homecomings all the more desireable.
Where is the nearest Cinnabon to you at the new location? I know Nix has it made 'cause there one right in Brampton... which makes homecomings all the more desireable.
leslie New Member Mar 18, 2003 #25 I'd guess in TO, about 45 away, unless there's one here I haven't found yet...
leslie New Member Mar 18, 2003 #29 down there... there's one in the subway I always hit, at Yonge and Eg if I recall right I get off the train just for that LOL
down there... there's one in the subway I always hit, at Yonge and Eg if I recall right I get off the train just for that LOL
unclehobart this is my special title Mar 18, 2003 #30 At least you're on the southernmost edge of Barrie... so its an easy escape down 400 towards the big city.
At least you're on the southernmost edge of Barrie... so its an easy escape down 400 towards the big city.