Does anybody know what time it is?


Staff member
Every single clock in my house is different.

Wall clock: 7:50
Microwave: 7:57
Computer1: 7:58
Computer2: 7:52
Alarm clock: 7:56
Cell phone:7:55
Reg. phone: 7:54

Wonder if any of them are right? What is the correct time?


Staff member
According to the board, you posted that at 8:03

It is about 8:33 now


Staff member
Posty, setting my clocks to Pacific time would be a really bad idea. I would get to work 3 hours late everyday. I don't think the ol' " I accidentally set my clocks to Pacific time" excuse would fly either.:retard:

...and flurf, what makes you so sure the board has the right time?

This puter says 9:15, lets see what time the board says I posted.:spin:


Staff member
This is what i use. It adjust itself to the correct time.
Chronograph's main function is to synchronize your local PC time using the Internet. For that purpose it uses the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Atomic Clock time servers. Chronograph provides quite a high degree of accuracy and the difference between local computer time and atomic clock time after correction will rarely exceed 0.5 second. This slight difference is caused by an unavoidable network transmission delay.
There are others out at that are free also.

the time is 9:43


Staff member
PostCode said:

and this is bad? :D :lol:
Yeah, because I'd miss NYPD Blue and Law and Order. Also, it's kinda frowned upon to show up for work just before lunchtime. It is however, acceptable to show up on time and sneak out after lunch....blaming an early exodus on another trade. (eg. "I had to stop working because those damn sheetrock guys were slinging mud all over the place):lurk:


Mushroom at large
PostCode said:
What happens whent he pager battery goes dead....:D

The pager has a capacitor that powers it while I change the battery. It also has a small compartment that holds a spare battery, so yer ever caught off guard.


New Member
Hmm, my cell phone, watch, computer, VCR and alarm clock all seem pretty close to the time provided by unc's link.


New Member
Q said:
Posty, setting my clocks to Pacific time would be a really bad idea. I would get to work 3 hours late everyday. I don't think the ol' " I accidentally set my clocks to Pacific time" excuse would fly either.:retard:

What you have against Pacific time? :D

I use different setting on the clocks to my advantage. Example: my computer clock says 12:42pm & the wall clock says 12:50. When I clock in at work I use my computer clock, and when I clock out, I use the wall clock :D


^ bored.
I love my job, they really don't care when I show up :D.

In fact, I'm always the first.... I hate that I hate to be late...

Stop Laughing

it isn't that funny!
Staff member
I liked it better at work when the punch clock was 5 minutes behind, you could be late and get away with it. They fixed it, though. :(


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
I found this at Tweak3d's site. It'sa one of those never noticed things but it may help your time management:rolleyes:

Internet Time Synchronizing

This is a feature that I’ve wanted all along, though I never really noticed. Windows will now automatically update your time via the Internet, using the Network Time Protocol (NTP). You can even run your own time server on a network (using third-party tools) and have all of your computers sync to that one.

The settings are accessed by double-clicking on the time on the taskbar, and switching to the “Internet Time” tab. Windows will use by default, though you can change this to whichever time server you prefer. You can disable the whole thing altogether, but for some reason you can’t change the default interval of two weeks – motherboards with badly drifting clocks may need to be updated more often, and there’s an “Update Now” button just for that.

There are a variety of shareware and freeware programs that will do this for you, and are much more configurable. If you want to see a list of these, you can try visiting